so here i am sitting at home AGAIN on a saturday morning, wonderin why the f*CK im not skiing. in fact ontario is sooo far away from being ready to click in that Ontario's biggest resort, blue mountain is shutting down.
this is HORRIBLE news.
what is the earth telling us? i think as skiers we need to be listening to what we're being told and try everything in our power to preserve the earth so that we can continue enjoying the sport we all love so much. and not only for us but for future generations. id really hate to think that our generation will be the last to experience freeskiing at its best.
i go out to many resorts, and i see lots of people who depend on the snow to make a living. not all resorts are run by huge corporations. and the lack of snow this year, is crippling. as most canadians now now. blue mountain has shut its doors as it is not makin nds meet and will wait now for temperatures to be more favorable before re opening.
but as a snowmaker myself. i know that it'll take weeks to recoup and gather back on everyone's feet. sure lets hope that in a week. the temperature drops and we can puke out the snow, we'll eat up water sources faster than mother nature can refil them and once again there will be a pause in production as it all refills.
And this isnt the only area of concern. the world is starting to feel the wrath of human ignorance and selfishness. europe,N.A. are having record highs in temperatures. and bc might be enjoying themselves now. but we all remember the shittiest season on record 2 years ago.
this problem is really starting to present itself people. i suppose im asking you all as skiers to really think and be aware of yourself and your actions. littering. electricity usage etc.. everything factors in. and if youlove the sport as much as i do. you'd be worried, this could just possibly be the warmest 10 years on record for no other reason than it being time to ahve some warmer winters before we enjoy the cold ones again. OR.. it might just not,, we might never enjoy a white christmas with certantity ever again.