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Fuckin out of state drivers
Posts: 2489
Karma: 49
Goddamnit, every year this season brings out the worst fucking drivers from their caves all over the east coast, and they decend on roadways with reckless abandon. I got run off the road because some moron decided to go the wrong way up a one way street, at a blazing rate of speed which forced my evasive action. There was not one, but two cars on the way home who found it nessecary to alternate between 15 and 80 mph, every 30 seconds, on a 50mph road, with my unfortunate self sandwiched inbetween. It was like being tailgated by chevy chase or someshit. My friend got in an accident the other day because some fuck from new jersey passed him on the right side of the road, and forced him into oncoming traffic. Stopsigns get ignored, people drive at 5 mph admiring scenery... the holidays suck.
Anyone else experience this shit?
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
wow that is some shitty driving i dont think i've experienced it to such extremes but yes i have experienced it
Posts: 2489
Karma: 49
Posts: 1938
Karma: 42
wheres the christman spirit
Posts: 2489
Karma: 49
i hate this holiday man. its materialistic, christian, commercial, and 100% bullshit. if we really wanted to celebrate christs birth, we wouldnt do it by buying thousands and thousands of dollars of commercial goods.
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
The spirit of chritmas has been destroyed by the man.
Posts: 763
Karma: 10
word,i agree u cant put a price on the love for ur family and friends
Posts: 7404
Karma: 39
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
im from mass...so u prolly hate the way we drive....but ya know...it happens...there is always some guy on 93 doing 50 in the left lane when its 65....then when i go to pass him, on the right cuz hes in the left lane, he all of a sudden finds the gas and is doing 80 just so i can pass him, then if i do get in front of him he is up my ass and high beeming me.....every time i drive home form NH there is at least one of these guys...i hate them
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
jersey has some shitty drivers
Posts: 9311
Karma: 910
Fuckin in state drivers! i live in tahoe and people from the bay area come up and clog up the roads. as soon as there GPS /temp system tells them its icy they dont drive faster than 10 miles per hour. i get so fucking annoyed, now i need to leave 1/2 hour earlier if i want to get somewhere in time... or the people who put chains on there non drive wheels!! excellent!
Posts: 3936
Karma: 4,260
yeah it gets really bad here in Park City. Last night i was driving up from Salt Lake and there was this bad accident and we all had to merge to one lane and this guy from wyoming in front of us was trying as hard as he possibly could to not let this other car merge into the lane. He would get as close as possible to the car in front of him so that this other car couldnt merge.. and i love going way under the speed limit at all times...
Posts: 1529
Karma: 28
None of you know how fucking bad it is in Maine in the summer. For some fucking reason all kinds of motherfuckers decide to flock here in the summer. k yeah its pretty nice in the summer but nothing to special. anyways, they all drive 5 mph and look at every fucking thing they pass, one of my friends got in an accident cuz a guy from rhode island ignored a stop sign at a 4 way intersection. my friend got out of the car and beat the balls out of him, funniest shit ever
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
thats cuz ri drivers suck at life....i like 20 min outside ri in mass, so i deal with them all the time....they are horibble....worst drivers ever
Posts: 438
Karma: 11
that happens to me all the time
fuckin pisses me off
Posts: 6637
Karma: 2,627
conecticut and jersey are the worst fucken drivers ever
Posts: 4429
Karma: 20
yes there some of the worst
Posts: 4791
Karma: 3,803
pretty much everyone is a shitty driver outta there element
Posts: 646
Karma: 15
just dont drive then walk its not as harmful to the enviorment unless you smell real bad and it kills everything around you
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
glad to know im not the only one it happens to!
Posts: 581
Karma: 126
sa... sa... sa... sunday drivers
Posts: 3087
Karma: 169
mass drivers suck ass and so do canadian drivers
Posts: 508
Karma: 21
its mostly b/c you live on the east coast. theres always shitty drivers in the midwest, they're all either drunk, old, or on meth. or just plain suck at life, which is why they're still in the midwest.
Posts: 5639
Karma: 40
Posts: 1125
Karma: 25
my friend got reverse lights on his truck and he no longer has that problem
Posts: 2198
Karma: 20
some random ina pt cruiser should die. sincerely the corola that u cut off on the access road at WV. die plz
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,529
Slow, stupid, ignorant, and shitty drivers piss me off.
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
Posts: 9108
Karma: 16
I was driving in some heavy ass rain and the speed limit was 50 on this long ass straight away, it was about 10 pm and some guy pulls out way in front of me and goes way into the left lane and then come sback to the right lane and proceeds to go 30, after about 5 seconds I was just like fuck this so I passed him and he proceeds to shine his bright's on me for about 3 minutes until I finally turna different way. I wanted to just shoot that fucker.
Posts: 134
Karma: 11
I thought those '1 way' road signs were merely suggestive...
Posts: 338
Karma: 18
we all know that the worst drivers are californians.
Posts: 4219
Karma: 8
Aspen is the fuckin worst!
People rent their big fuckin suv's and cant stay in their lanes. In aspen, streets that run north and south dont have stopsigns, and those running east and west do. However, tourists insist on stopping at every fucking intersection and then get mad when you dont go when they have the right of way.
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
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