I dont mean to be a grinch but christmas can suck my balls this year,
right now im stuck at work (it 5am christmas morning down here) my fiance gave me back her ring last week so no more wedding and end of a 4 year relashionship. i cant afford to travel anywhere so no skiing till late june early july,
i get off work at 7 and have to go to a family barbeque where all these random ass relitives will say they are sorry that me and the girl broke up cause they heard from the 2nd cousins aunt or some shit. oh and i have not bought any present yet so i have to pay for 3 rooms at my hotel i work at so it looks like i have made some effort. but fuck it i cant deal with all these people wishing me a merry christmas and all i can do is smile and say same to you.
but a least there is a bottle of jack daniels waiting for me in my room. drink, pass out and forget that this fucking life exsists.