Ive seen another thread like this but only for one trick and there seems to be alot of confussion with names of tricks and what how the trick is done
The only tricks i can think of is
Switch up-( switching up or doign a 180 in air and land the opposite foot grinding forwards)
Crown-( Doing a 270, switch up, 270 out )
Pretz-(anytrick that you do somesort of spin one way then change directions and do it the other)
Pring-( Just like a crown but you have to put a pretz somewhere in the trick)
Rail Spin-( Rotating/Spinning on the box)
Lay Down-( Speaks for it self, laying down on the box)
Nose/Tail press-( shifting your weight to the tips of your skis or tail of your skis so the rail has shifted to a nose/tail press)
Royale-(dragging your back foot behind so its kind of dragging on its edge)