A comp just like that, but for skis obviously. Basicaly you just have alot of different features and have a best trick contest for each feature and even people who throw sick shit win money as you can see if you watch the whole movie.
Im kind of getting sick of these comps that just focus on 1-3 people (the top 3) each time. There are soooo many fucking good kids out there who get no recognition whatsoever and then there are the hyped up people who will always place and win money usually because of politics. Everyone is different and thus each person can do different tricks and focuses on different things and different features. I hate how one person can win a comp and then everyone is sucking his/her nuts, when there are alot of good kids who deserve a little cash for a innovative trick they did and it looked smooth. We need to spread the wealth in this sport if we want it to always be innovative. More people need to get hooked up with gear and money, not just a select few.