Okay, here's the story:
I've been having a rough couple of weeks with the inevitable death of my beloved Cast a Lines, who have been good to me over the seasons (probably my favorite ski of all time), and the fact that I have been using boots 3 1/2 sizes too small for skiing because Lange (aka Satan's Lil' Helpers) and finally the breakage of my R.E.D. helmet ($90, one crash, throbbing membrane) and the bending of Nyman's aka My only set of poles (thanks Dakota [aznpcskier]).
But today, not only have the jumps been opened fully at PC, but Winter break has started so I get to ski with all the homies. One compound fracture and a broken back into the day, the park was a-bustling with retarded psuedo-animalistic attempts at humanity all struggling for a spot to hit the jumps; an attempt that would inevitably fail so consistently with each try that it was as if God itself wanted to see these people suffer.
The day was winding down, plenty of falls, good pizza, with many five hundred and forty degree rotations accomplished with navy-seal like stompishness. So, I get home, and, Lo and Behold not only have my brand new Lange World Cup 130's come, but sitting next to them are my brand new Surface Watch Life's sitting there all bubble wrapped and ready to go. I'm stoked. Blake, sorry about the shit, and I have your skis all up and ready to go, and Mike, thanks for retrieving them from Austria and shipping them as fast as possible, and for the ski shape, and whoever did the graphic, and bla bla bla.....they're so hot.