Replying to Boreal update 12/19/2006
we were quite busy last night...
first, we started pushing snow into place for the superpipe.
no predictions other than it's looking really good for stuntditch in the near future.
second, we started filling in the Prospector Gulley for the upper night park jump line. it's a good start but we still need ALOT of Snow.
third, we have a REAL jump! It's in the middle of the line below the superpipe. Tonight we are going to try and add another above it so everything flows as you come off of Prospector that means the d/f/d and f/d boxes will be taken out for the time being. It's only a 30ft step down jump but it's a start! We clocked it with our new radar gun and its a 22mph takeoff. We're super stoked with this new tool! It's going to help dail in the jumplines so much considering that the biggest problem Boreal has faced over the years is speed issues with the jumps. So untill we get the next jump up tonight(hopefully) just carry your speed past the f/d box(skip) and you're fine or do what the Sugarbowl Team did today and start on the stuntditch deck right above the old race shack. It's all wide open so visibility isn't a problem. It's all a work in progress right now so expect the landing to get longer over the next few nights as well the tranny changing a bit as we dail it in with the new jump coming in tonight or tomorrow.
later skaters
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