Last Sunday, me, Adrian, Matt, Scofield, Jonnny, and Ben took a trip up to Loon. Me and Adrian were supposed to be in the No Bib Jib Comp at Sunday River but we had no way of getting up there. Loon was really nice, they had a flat down box that was real fun to sesh, and also a 20 foot flat rail that was extremely sticky, and also a nice little bonk. We hit up the park for a while with a couple burn sessions.
Here's a small edit if you havent already seen it,
And here's a couple pictures we took towards the end of the day...
Adrian and Connor training the flat down box

Adrian hitting the bonk

Matt getting tossed off the bonk (check the last clip in the edit)

More bonking

Connor got owned on this one (wish it was on film)

Okay so now we pick up 2 days ago on Saturday (December 16). Since we couldn't take up the car last weekend, Adrian was promised the car to take up skiing for the day. Unfortunately, he got caught using his parent's credit card to buy 1000 bucks worth of shit. So instead, me, Adrian, and Evan were going to take a train out of Boston and meet up with Matt and Connor at Lowell, and stay over Matt's house, shred in the morning. The first thing that goes wrong is we miss that train, so Matt and Connor ended up driving all the way down to Boston. Then, we headed back up to Amherst, NH, for some kid's birthday party. The time went by pretty quick with some burn sessions on the highway, and a cop scanner which allowed us to go 90 the whole way. So we get to this kid's house at like 9:30, there's about 20 kids and 3 girls, and I don't know any of them. We were singing happy birthday and I didn't even know his name. So we chilled there for 2 hours, and headed back to Matt's and crashed pretty quick.
We wake up at 7 to get ready to ski, leave the house at about 7:45. We hit up Dunkin' Donuts at around 8. While there, we fucking lost the car keys for 30 minutes, without even leaving the car. They ended up being in Matt's shoe. So this set us back a while. We made up for it by going like 95 on the highway, until we got stopped by a cop going over the hill, with 2 ounces of weed in the car too. We ended up getting off so lucky, instead of getting a 400 dollar ticket, the officer gave Matt a warning, gave him his business card and told his mom to call him, and to donate money to a charity.
So we pull into Waterville at around 11, ski till around 2, leave by 2:30. The plan is to catch a 5 o'clock train home from Lowell into Boston. The only problem is, we don't know how to get to Lowell, and where the train station in Lowell is. After a long stop at Wendy's and ate almost as much food as bhill when he's not hungry, we finally rolled into the train station at about 4:45. We get on the train and it leaves at 5, and like 5 minutes into it, we hear some loud screams, all the lights turn off, and people are yelling like crazy. These 3 niggas robbed this other nigga, and then tried to stab him, but kind of missed but still cut him. And at that same time, the train broke down which is the reason the lights went out and the train stopped. So after waiting like 30 minutes another train comes, and we take that into Boston. About 10 minutes after all that shit happened I busted out my cam,
So we arrive around 7 at North Station, then take the Green Line to Adrian's house. But, yet another thing goes wrong, and we took the wrong line, so ended up a couple miles from where we should have been. It was still really funny walking around Boston with all our skis and ski shit, and looking at people's faces when they saw us. So finally, Adrian's dad pickes us up and I got a ride home with Evan, arriving at my house at 8:30, a 6 hour trip from New Hampshire that should have taken 2 hours, and instead of studying for a chemistry test that I failed today, I uploaded all the footage and made an edit quick,
Here are some pictures of us being bored on the train and waiting to be picked up...
A true nigga

More niggas

All our shit

The rest of the train

Evan sliding a down rail quick

And that's about it, this took way too long to type but I'm on Christmas break and have nothing else to do.