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Alrite, so i need money really bad and i want to rid of this stuff, so please someone buy it.
I used these for a good amount of last year so they have the normal wear and tear (some tears and rail marks) in addition to a 5 inch or so tear on the right hip that could be easily sewn up (you can see it in the third picture), but other than that theyre actually in pretty good condition, a kid at VT Open actually asked me how I kept them so bright and clean. Here are some pics. FIRST PERSON TO PAY PAL ME 100$ GETS THEM SHIPPED. (unless you are in canada then we might have to alter the price).
I also have some matching Neon Green Camo Wisdoms w/ H.I. Yellow lenses. Got these mid season last year, used them maybe 10 times, the lense is in pristine condish, no scratches at all. 70 shipped.