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Ski stories involving parents or adults?
Posts: 170
Karma: 21
i seem to have a lot of conversations with friends and every trip or somethin has something to do with adults and parents. My mom walked behind me when I was on newschoolers and i was looking at a sequence shot of a rail and she sais "wow they fit a lot of people on that rail" and i just laughed and laughed..it suprised me too cause she's a good skier but doesnt understand that kinda stuff haha.
Tell your story if you have one!
Posts: 978
Karma: 31
yesterday, these two guys on this tree run were just chillin smokin a j.
and they were around 40.
Posts: 6842
Karma: 408
it was warm at my hill last year so i decided to take a no shirt run, and i took my shirt off before i got on the lift. My 2 friends said they would take their's off when we got ot the top. So as we r riding the chair up the mt, my dad is skiing on the slope the chair goes over. He looks up and sees me and starts yelling at me like crazy,(my friends never did take their shirts off) i was sooo scared. He was like ur gunn get pneumoina now im like no way, i never get sick!! Within the next week, i got really really sick and missed school for 9 days. and the doctors never told me y i got so sick
Posts: 9108
Karma: 16
I found some girls cell phone in the park (it was pink, that's how I knew it was a girls), pretty nice one, brand new with mp3, camera, ect. ect. Anyway I picked it up and thought I'd try to find her and return it (maybe she was hot?) So anyway her friend calls it a few times but I'm on the lift and I can't answer it in time. So I do a few runs then her dad calls. I didn't really wanna answer that so I kept it in my coat. I get to the lift line and decide to call her friend back. So I call her back and go meet them at the lodge. In the end I gave it back to her and she was thankful. They weren't that hot so I decided to just leave. My friends wanted me to take a pick of my balls and put it on her phone with my number but I thought that was going to far. Kinda boring story but eh.
Errrr, then I found a $20 bill.
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
no that wuold have been epic
Posts: 694
Karma: 5
^yeah, would have ended up as one of those stories that starts with "remember that time...."
Posts: 2453
Karma: 26
The joke would of been to take terribly obscene pictures, set it to pop up whenever her friends call, and never tell her when you give it back.
Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
some crazy old guy came up to me and starting stabbing at me with his pole ofr basically n oreasoon and one toursits asked us if we got frquent flier miles after he saw us hit a jump
Posts: 2061
Karma: 183
well i was editing and i had rap to the skiing right and my dad watches it and hes kinda racist haah but im like dad watch this and hes like "Why would u have rap in the music black ppl cannot ski for shit!"
i thought that was pretty good
Posts: 2453
Karma: 26
Oh shit, I just remembered! I'm on the gondola going to the peak, im talking to this old dude and his nephew(my age). The old guy whips out a flask of whiskey and starts offering it to me and my buds. Then we ski the next run with him and he was sick, he was bookin' and dominating rails.
Posts: 2881
Karma: 213
Idk if this is too funny, but i broke my knose when i landed on the flats, so i ski down to base to snag some knapkins, to clean up a bit, and my friends like idk dude your knose might not be broken, then this lady goes here let me see, looks at my face goes, yeah...thats what you get for being a park rat. Idk, i just never thought 50+ y/o gapers knew what a park rat was
Posts: 1457
Karma: 0
so im on the lift cussing really loud with my friends like saying shit and i just got robbed before the lift ride(well not really, forgot my 130 goggles after i fell off some rail)so this asshole parent comes up to me after i get off, hes like hey come over here..yeh dude?? what the fuck are u doing whats going on this is a fucking family enviroment.
me: chill nigga (he was white haha), u work here?
me: than dont say shit free country peacee.
Posts: 1066
Karma: 564
actually tonight i got in a little fight with my mom about skiing and going to a ski academy and shit and she was saying how it might be a good idea for me to see a therapist about my "obsession" with skiing
Posts: 2061
Karma: 183
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
you should just be thankful they have the $ to send you to an academy
Posts: 1066
Karma: 564
na thats the thing, we dont have enough $, and i was saying that i would put all my savings twards it and thats what made her say that its bad that im willing take all my savings and put it twards skiing...
Posts: 4329
Karma: 300
haha if tahts true tahts so dope
Posts: 2785
Karma: 474
"knose" ahahahahah that made me laugh
Posts: 2114
Karma: 259
last thanksgiving some guy and his kid were tryin to fight the RR clan cause steve was throwin down a freestyle on the lift. t-wal was like the only one down to rumble tho...ha tough
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
man you gotta be a little more respectful. dont be throwing around swear words when theirs kids around. beleive it or not it actually upsets little kids that arent used to it. and not to mention their parents.
funny stories though? well not my parent but someone about 40 was carrying a pair of skis onto the lift as well as his own. and me and my freinds joking around were like "whoa this guy is way too good for just ONE pair of skis!" he leans in and was like "yeah and sometimes when i have sex i wear more then one condom"....after that we were kinda weirded out...
Posts: 10750
Karma: 7,995
My mom doesn't like the taste of water when it comes from plastic water bottles, so she used to carry a metal hip flask full of water when she skied. A few years ago, on New Years Eve, I was riding up the lift with my mom and my 10 year old brother, and my mom was drinking from her flask at the same time as a couple of lifties were riding down the chair the opposite direction. They passed us seeing my mom chugging from the flask before she handed it to my brother who also started downing the drink. They were like "HELL YEAH!! GET THE NEW YEARS PARTY STARTED EARLY!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!! WHOOOOOO!!!"
Posts: 2785
Karma: 474
Posts: 799
Karma: 13
Last year,at Red, I burnt one with a 42 year old lawyer on the chair, pretty epic and funny since my dad is 42 as well...
Posts: 194
Karma: 10
last year it was like a major pow day and me and my friend were waiting for them to open the cattrack to jup, and there were like 20 people (most of them like old skool die hards), and they finally open it after like 30 minutes of waiting, and its like a sprint down the cattrack to get to the lift and this like 60 year old die hard grabs my friends pole and throws it into the trees and took off. he ended up getting first chair.
Posts: 2234
Karma: 19
last year at Pc this kid i used to ski with was haulin ass down home run for you who know PC, well the cat track that goes above the bonanza to go down to the base. n e ways he was haulin ass sitting down on his tip so he can make it with out having to skate. so this old guy cuts in front of him so chris jumps up grbas onto him like a bear hug flips over onto his back. we all stop and ask the guy if he was alright and he just says " that was fuckin awesome!!!" he was like 50 or so. then he skied away.
Posts: 1653
Karma: 45
my dad was skiing and some racer guy came up right on his ass. my dad had no idea what was happening and reaches behind him to get the guy off. the other guy crashed and was stuck. so my dad goes over to ask if hes o.k and he sees his leg is messed up and asks "so hows your leg?" the guy is just like yeah im fine and looks at his leg. he realized it was behind his head at that moment and started yelling at my dad.
another time my dad's friend was coming over a mogul and some old lady was on the other side. they were big moguls that you couldn't see over. as he came over she reached out and stabbed him in the shin with her pole. he had to get an alcohol soaked syringe shoved into his leg.
Posts: 1163
Karma: 87
i was going up the lift once and i was by myself, with these 5 older people, probably at least over 50... well one of them pulls out a full glass bottle of dr. mcgilliguttis, that mint shit that smells really bad. so they passed it down the line back and forth and got like half of the way done and the guy carrying it drops the cap when we are halfway up the hill. he didnt want to drink the rest of it so he puts it in his coat straight up, talking about how good of a skier he is and how he can get the cap.
first thing he does=fall getting off the lift...
Posts: 540
Karma: 10
k this one time i was in silvestar dooing some xc skiing, well i strayed off from my ski group to do a little xc, now this was on opening day last year so only the closest halph of the hill was open. any way im sking along and i see a double black (i think it was wheres bob), ands its ALL powder, so i decided to shred it on my xc skis (what a good time) any way i get about half way down and for some reason the snow cat went up and down from the botom to the middle withouth a drag just to pack it down for a base. Its rought as hell so i have to hike up to the top of this run. I get to the top then skate ski UP a downhill ski run till i get 25 north, I was planing on catching a long run down to one of the lifts and ride to the summit then ski down the XC trails again, but i miss the turn (ironicly called last chance) and i end up going down some mother fucking long run (aunt gladis) its heading the same way as last chnace so i dont think anything of it... till the runs changes direction. I end up at Putman creek chair lift... and its not running. by this time im fucking freezing beacuase im wearing XC racing cloths. I went up to the liftie shack and find the key so i go in and think of what the fuck im going to do.
Next i notice a phone outside so i go out and it says if youv arived at this lift after hours (hell they havent even opened up this side of the hill yet) call this number so i do, blah blah blah i talk to the oporator yata yata yata. she says someone will be right down. fucking 30 minuts later she calls back " is this Karl from Prince Albert?" i was like yes how did you know? she was like your ski teams been looking for you for 2 hours. then she says that they just sent someone down. Another 30 minuts later i hear a ski-doo and a HOT ski patroll lady pulls up, i think her name was Lindsay. so the ride up was like 30 minuts and it was fucking coldevretying exept my nuts cause they were on her back.
so moral of the story
XC skis stay on XC trails
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
Last year at Big Sky, the wind was blowing ridiculously hard. As Evan Kreps and I stood at the top of their park, a guy in his mid-fifties shows up. He had no helmet, straight skis, and a neck gator, and then asked us if he went straight from the top if he would have enough speed. Not thinking, we said yes. He straighted all the way to the 35ft booter, and sent a huge spread out backflip off of it. We both about shit our pants, and later I found out that he is the dad of a guy I know at school.
Posts: 540
Karma: 10
hahaha nice, that would be fucking amazing to see if he was like 70 or something older
Posts: 1283
Karma: 11
my uncle ate a weed brownie on a ski trip a few years ago and was out for a day and a half. i just heard this story a few weeks ago, so i dont remember when it actually happened
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