heres whats up.
you sign a waver, you watch a short movie on safety.
youre good.
ten minutes isnt going to kill anyone, and then youre set.
I think in teory this is a rad idea... how many times has some little kid and theyre mommy had a nice leisurly run down the jump line or through the pipe.
Ya its cute, but sooner or later the kid gets stomped on and mommy wants to sue your ass.
Like I siad, in theory its a good idea... however, today everyone and thier dogs were at cop, and all those people were in the park. Understand that a nice saturday is going to be mad busy anyways. so have some patience with the system, itll work itself out.
BUt for the love of baby jesus, if youre there, and your shreding, please dont stand infront of, or under neath a rail/box/table/drop/ whatever. youre going to get wrecked, or shitted on.
either way, no fun for all involved.
Theres a lot of park for everyone, and remember the pass is free!
you think its gay now?
go some place where they make you pay for it. then youll know what gay is.
later bitches.