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Abortion Survery for paper
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
ok, fairly simple becuase i know its a touchy subject. but please just say yay or nay for abortion, and please include your religious preference (this is a religion paper)
Posts: 5449
Karma: 20
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
nay, atheist haha that oughta screw with ur thesis a bit
Posts: 3552
Karma: 24
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
yay - its the woman's body
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Karma: 363
Posts: 8762
Karma: 12
I dont think its that simple
If i knocked my girlfriend up, i would plead with her to keep the baby, if she didnt want it, i would take it. I think abortion should never be used as a form of birth control, which it unfortunately is most of the time.
This is only my opinion, and my opinion should never get in the way of the rights of others
a very solemn yay, from a pastafarian.
Posts: 1359
Karma: 23
I would have said yes - but after having a son a few months ago - I have to honestly say that it makes me sick to think that I used to be ok with abortion -
When your 18 your a liberal and smarter than everone
If your still a liberal by your late 20's your a fucking moron
so to answer your question - nay/non-religous but spiritual
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
in all honesty it truly depends on the situation. i agree that it should definitely not be used as a form of birth control and its sad that a lot of people have done that...multiple times. in that regards, i dont think its ok. but say for instance, someone was molested, raped, whatever and become pregnant, they should be able to have an abortion.
Posts: 3183
Karma: 11
yay - religious. (chirstian)
Posts: 3183
Karma: 11
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
ok, please no hate in this tread, this is a serious topic, and im legit trying to get a somewhat good result so i can incorporate it in my paper
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
uncalled for. its my opinion. i'm entitled to it and so are you
Posts: 8762
Karma: 12
Learn to grow some thick skin dude, if you dont want hate dont post it here.
The ski community at large are a bunch of cocky pieces of shit, me included. We have to be in order to ski with reckless abandon. If you want a self-righteous discussion, go to facebook; people are full of shit on those forums.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
You mean pro choice right?
Yay - Episcopalian
Posts: 2289
Karma: 15
Agreed, but what about those who used one or more forms of birth control and still became pregnant?
Yay - Agnostic.
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
good question.....bad luck maybe? donno
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
do you think im some weak homo. hmm i understand that ns is filled with a bunch of whiney little brats that haven't hit puberty yet and all they want to do is fuck things up and pretend to be gangster. but there is a bunch of people on this site that i do respect, and that do have legitament opinons and comments. those are the people who i am targeting. so if you want trash this thread, why the fuck woudl i care. i was asking a straight foward question but i guess thats to hard for you to answer like the rest of the folks here.
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
Posts: 2289
Karma: 15
petek is right, though. Most of the "respectable" people on this site are pretty sick of debating in repetitive abortion threads by now, and getting a lot of bull shit responses (especially when you post a thread in the NSG) is pretty much a given on NS.
Posts: 9229
Karma: 61
yay cristian but not as birth control
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
for abortion, i worship the devil
Posts: 9108
Karma: 16
pro choice
not religious
I'm actually pro abortion, every child should experience it at least once in their lifetime.
Posts: 3411
Karma: 23
pro abortion...it only costs like what...80 bucks? totally worth it
Posts: 5238
Karma: 1,359
damn you are the man for saying that shit. i 100% agree with you. i may even need to referece to this post when emo kids start crying cause someone called them gay.
but i'm pro-life and roman catholic. sure its the womans body, but then you woman demand birth control
Posts: 1530
Karma: 23
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
Yay Jewish/Catholic/considering budism
Posts: 5238
Karma: 1,359
i meant you woman demand child support
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
Posts: 1393
Karma: 12
go right ahead if its going to give the shity life its better it doesn't exist then having to live through poverty or shitty family
i'm not religious
Posts: 2829
Karma: 44
Posts: 1330
Karma: 10
Yay(meaning I'm pro-choice, no one likes to kill an unborn fetus), ELCA Luther, I'm a PK
Posts: 7963
Karma: 26,049
Posts: 316
Karma: 10
Posts: 346
Karma: 30
yay - religious (Christian/Mennonite)
Posts: 2847
Karma: 55
Posts: 1327
Karma: 11
nay- catholic but that's not really why i think it's wrong
Posts: 1227
Karma: 109
yay - methodist. woman's body/choice.
Posts: 765
Karma: 25
I suggest some of you pro-choice people try to find a video of an abortion. It might change your view on things.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,681
Yay, Episcple or however you spell it.
Posts: 15967
Karma: 11,027
nay-christian/jewish. dont murder people.
Posts: 544
Karma: 10
pro-choice/ agnostic, but raised catholic
im personaly against abortion, but i believe that is a personal choice and not something the government should force.
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
im not doing this to form or make a opinion. i never expressed one in the first place, it was for a research project. not a opinion paper
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
I'm Catholic and I don't believe abortion is the correct answer; I think that appropriate (and sufficient) planned parenthood programs and contraceptives, etc. BUT, I don't think that it should be illegal because if it is, I believe that more women would jeopardize their own health by performing abortions that are not clinically safe.
Posts: 863
Karma: 14
Posts: 8762
Karma: 12
this is quite the biased sample if you are doing this for research, make sure you say where you got the information.
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
Posts: 34
Karma: 10
Posts: 3676
Karma: 18
nay, catholic
its murder and that is illegal in our society, so should abortion. even if you've been raped, you should at least give it up for adoption, you're doing twice the damage by taking a human life. it aint your body too, there are cells with genetic material not equal to yours, it has a mind of its own, you even feed that thing everytime you eat. i know adoption can be hard, but there are ways of avoiding the tough times, i dont understand how someone could live their life with the thought of "i killed someone" in the back of their head.
Posts: 1063
Karma: 10
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