looking at shit for my car.
If i ask for cash, i will probably get less, overall then if i ask for something spicific. My mom wont get me proformance (power wise) parts for my car. Ultimatly, I would go for Michellin Sport Piolits, and the straightening of my one bent rim (my car does not currently have the Racing Dynamics wheels seen in the pics. when I bought them, one of them was bent, and all the tires are worn.) In any case, it doesnt look like I will be able to get the tires because of $$$.
so, i think im looking at something in the $200-$300 range. Might go cosmetic- if so, any suggestions?
maybe brighter angle eyes. maybe a short shifter kit. Maybe both brighter angle eyes and a short shifter kit.
Other suggestions? All I have on my car is cosmetic, a chip and a rip off, yet still nice and heavy ACS shiftknob.
whats a good short shift kit??? there are some on ebay for cheap. some have only one metal peice, others have two.
Maybe front and Rear strut bars? I was thinking my car would really benifit from a front strut bar.
Other options that I was thinking about asking for:
Toshiba Gigabeat 60 GIG (Literally, a 60 gigabyte Zune)
Maybe a Better Radar Detector then the one I have (Beltronics 949)
yes it works great, already saved me from atleast 3 tickets, but driving back and forth from Denver area to Durango colorado, one tends to speed a lot and at a very high interval. The road is at times very long, flat and straight, so a detector with long range would benifit, i think. I was thinkinig about the Beltronics RX65
Sub and amp for my car. - not sure how much I really need this, pretty content with BMWs stock system. I dont listen to a lot of gangster rap...
what i reall want is coilovers and to fix the bent wheel and get some sport tires!