Child Arrested After Opening Holiday Gift Early
POSTED: 12:26 pm EST December 5,
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startindexWhat is the penalty for opening your Christmas presents too early?For one South Carolina 12-year-old, the penalty was arrest.A
Rock Hill, S.C., woman called police and asked them to arrest her son
who opened a Christmas present early after being told not to, the Rock
Hill Herald reported. Police went to the house and arrested the boy and
charged him with petty larceny.
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The paper reported that the boy's great-grandmother had specifically
told him not to open his present, which contained a Nintendo Game Boy
Advance. It was wrapped and lying under the Christmas tree, the police
report stated. But on Sunday morning, the gift was unwrapped and
the box was empty. So when the boy's mother found out, she alerted
police, the paper reported."He took it without permission. He wanted it. He just took it," the 63-year-old great-grandmother told the Herald.The
women said that the boy lied to them at first, saying he was unaware of
where the video game system was. After threat of calling the police,
the boy apparently gave the toy back to his mother, the paper reported.
But the upset mother called police anyway.Two officers responded and charged the child as a juvenile with petty larceny, although he was not jailed.
The mother told the Herald that she didn't know what else to do with
her son, so she called police. The paper reported she is a single
mother and has been struggling with constant behavior problems from the
boy. She said her son still showed no remorse when the police came."I'm
trying to get him some kind of help," the 27-year-old mother told the
paper. "He's the type of kid who doesn't believe anything until it
happens." She said he has shoplifted, stolen money from her,
punched a police officer and is nearing expulsion from school. She told
the paper that she hopes this arrest will be a wake-up call for her
son, because she worries about getting a call someday telling her he's
been killed.The mother plans to have her son placed with the
state Department of Juvenile Justice in Columbia at his court
appearance, the Herald reported.stopindex
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