Replying to Boreal update: wed
Hi everyone,
I've been off for a few days so sorry for the lack of updates since the weekend.
Not to much new to report as the temp inversion has returned in full force, the only snow we've been able to make is in the base area the lasst two nights. We were able however to make new snow for the wallride. This morning we raised it about 4ft so it has alot better tranny now. It's still not close to mid-winter form but it is alot better. We will probably raise it once more later this week but in this location speed would be an issue if we raise it to mid-winter form. Hopefully next week we can make more snow further up the mountain and move the wallride to a better location where it can be setup with FULL tranny.
Pray for better temps so we can move the lower night park to its permanent location and get the upper night jump line going!
Later Skaters
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