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favorite video game of all time?
Posts: 81
Karma: 10
for me it would have to be 'chrono trigger' back on snes that game never gets old
ho bitch
Posts: 8384
Karma: 38
GTA 3 and Vice City. No explanation necessary
God is a concept by which we measure our pain - John Lennon
Listen to Bob Marley
Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life. So get wasted all the time and have the time of your life!
Posts: 2281
Karma: 10
No, seriously... i dunno... starfox 64 is pretty intense. No joking, i still play sometimes.
I was thinking... man my name is ugly! Canadian Ski God? come on! i suck at skiing!
Posts: 3994
Karma: 285
The original Zelda for NES. Or Street Fighter EX3 for PS2
Proud member of the NS Ogre Team.
Member of NS t.A.T.u. fanclub!
Posts: 15174
Karma: 480
Posts: 3488
Karma: 11
top gear 3000 for SNES
'Dude, check out this nasty gouge.'
'Your mom has a nasty gouge.'
Turn up the cool. Turn down the suck!!!
Posts: 12727
Karma: 856
super mario brothers 3
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Posts: 4705
Karma: 496
Posts: 1471
Karma: 10
close call between dragon warrior for NES and the original sonic for genesis, or samurai showdown, and sould caliber
Gotta Love The Midwest
Posts: 2023
Karma: 8
i like vice city, cause you can beat up prostitutes, hit people in the head with a hammer(and it makes a cool sound), steal a bus and take it off a jump, and tons of other cool shit
Now the king told the boogie men
You have to let that raga drop
The oil down the desert way
Has been shakin' to the top
The shiek he drove his Cadillac
He went a' cruisnin' down the ville
The muezzin was a' standing
On the radiator grille
The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
Posts: 5214
Karma: 47
final fantasy 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10
'...all fled before his face. All save one. There waiting, silent
and still in the space before the gate, sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax.'
'It's not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been clouding my mind since we left Lorien. Something draws near, I can feel it.'
How many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
10, 1 to do it, and 9 to say 'I can do that.'-petek
'Dude, we're sick. He's pretty sick, but his muscles aren't as big as mine, so you know.'-CR Johnson
Posts: 1570
Karma: 16
vice city
I cant spell so dont make fun of me
Posts: 1468
Karma: 11
in terms of new games...vice city takes the cake...but for old-school games, nobody can hate on duck hunt
-Craig (a.k.a. Boner)
the challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else
sms session 4
Posts: 2943
Karma: 1,472
damn thats a tough one, i would have to say my favorite game is goldeneye for n64, nintendo 64 was the shit, it had the most hilarious game ever, conkers bad furday, anyone remember that game it was a classic. Perfect dark is cool too
'Lifes not a bitch, life is a beuatiful woman'
-Aesop Rock
Posts: 4017
Karma: 8
teenage mutant ninja turtles for genisis
trust me, the '' things aren't actually there
'Know this now, you are only killing a man'-Che Guevaras last words
Posts: 3937
Karma: 27
goldeneye+perfect dark.. halo.. but excitebike takes the cake!
Smoking pot leads to uhh... I forget.
What time is it... saturday?
50 nuts in your mothafuckin' mouth
Posts: 572
Karma: 10
barbies adventures
Timbo Jones isnt even my real name.
Posts: 5233
Karma: 2,174
ill do my fav for every system i have owned
ps2 = vice city
ps1 = metal gear
snes = donkey kong country
nes = excite bike or contra
seward backwards is drawes,blackman term for underwear - Lateralis pointing something out that i have never noticed in my 18 years of existence
What are the cops gonna do, Call the cops? - Good ol Muff
Posts: 366
Karma: 52
PS2(or just playstation games) - chrono cross, dark cloud, Dynasty Warriors 3, FF 7,8 and 10
N64- deadly arts, ocarina of time
SNES- FF3, Mario Cart, chrono trigger, secret of mana, illusions of gaia
NES- duck hunt and Mario bros. 3
Ya, those are all I can think of right now...not neccisarily the best games ever, but I like them still. My favorite out of all of those is probably chrono trigger or FF7
Member of the OTC!
Skiing is not for the simple minded, that's why they invented the snowboard.
Posts: 31
Karma: 10
Mine would have to Dance Dance Revolution, if you have never gotten two pads a bunch of friends and had a dance off, drunk, then you haven't lived.
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
halo and amped,no questions
President of the OTC!
Everybody, Lateralis drinks alcohol and smokes marijuana cigarettes. You're burned now, Lateralis! - halo
'ive been shavin since i was in 5th grade, yea the girls made fun of me then, but now they grovel at my feet just to pet me' - Alex aka Ds91260
Posts: 5634
Karma: 311
the matrix game is pretty fun
Living people have a strong interest of promoting the idea that somehow life is sacred, you dont see abbot and costello runnin around talkin about this shit do ya? we're not hearin a whole lot from mussilini on the subject, Whats the latest from JFK??? NOT A GODDAMN THING, cuz JFK mussilini, and abbot and costello are fuckin dead.....they're fuckin dead! and dead people give less than a shit about the sanctity of life, only living people care about it, so the whole thing developes out of a bias point of view. -George Carlin
Posts: 5773
Karma: 3,930
vice city. halo, teenage mutant nija turtles- turltes in time
Mplayer09: there is a thread about u on ns.com
freeskier9001260: there always is
Five-9 Productions
'You can't go steezy in tha treezy'
-Brian Class on Skiing in the Glades
When there is no grass on the field, play in the mud
-Pep Fujas
Posts: 5063
Karma: 2,478
vice city, GTA3
'save the trees, wipe your ass with an owl!'
'how many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?.......10, 1 to do it, 9 to say that they can do that.'
Posts: 1250
Karma: 38
Skate or Die, skate or die 2 and ski or die. NES the first and best nintendo system. Also excite bike. Yes.
If you like Jack Johnson, O.A.R., Dispatch type music check out Speechwriters LLC
Posts: 7813
Karma: 5
I like Tony Hawk games but you know. Unreal tournament is good too. This Star Wars glaxies thing looks amazing too.
-MiKeE LiFsHiTz-
Posts: 246
Karma: 10
Revolution-X is the best game ever. The arcade version was the shizzle nizzle but they allso made for SNES.
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
tony hawk series, dave mirra 3, madden 2002, nhl 2003...oh and one of the mario party games was pretty shibby too
proud owner of 'team ramrod', the best NS hockey pool team ever.
Posts: 7837
Karma: 3,354
Total Annihilation, Diablo II, Baldur's Gate, Link to the Past, and for oldschool flavor... PIRATES!
''The Hiatus is still over''
Posts: 9984
Karma: 19
Amped, games like gta get old over about a month, with games like amped, u never ever do the same thing
'i was grinding with this one guy at a gay bar called 'From Behind' and he had a huge boner' - Lateralis the great
'i knew a kid at 12 who didnt know how to masturbate, until i showed him el porno' - petek
Newschool Underground, cleanin up NS, one bitch at a time
Posts: 7813
Karma: 5
yeah, he's right. I find its the same with THPS but Iv enever played hawk so you know.
-MiKeE LiFsHiTz-
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
old-any SNK game (king of fighters, samurai shodown, metal slug)
new-halo or mario party 4. oh, you may laugh now, but mario party is like the most funnest game ever
'Hey everybody! Lateralis drinks alcohol and smokes marijuana cigarettes! You're burned now, lateralis.' -Halo
Camp of Champions, Session B
Posts: 1063
Karma: 10
super mario bros for original nintendo, tony hawk series
My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems.
'Life is a stage on which everyone contributes a verse...what will your verse be?' -Robin Williams in 'The Dead Poets Society'
'All generalizations are false.' -Anonymous
Posts: 2
Karma: 10
Posts: 14593
Karma: 1,089
Final Fantasy 7. Vice City. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.
Top Three.
Hummingbird style: 70 times in one second.
'Nigga Please- from the makers of Cracker Ass-crackers.'
Posts: 802
Karma: 12
chronotrigger was such a cool game...
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
yeah i cant forget amped, such a sick game
proud owner of 'team ramrod', the best NS hockey pool team ever.
Posts: 571
Karma: 10
tony hawk, cruising usa and that taxi game thing
slow minded
olives taste good
how can a fat cow get all the way over the moon??
Posts: 1471
Karma: 10
sushi you ot it right with total annihilation
Gotta Love The Midwest
Posts: 3488
Karma: 11
the original Resident Evil for ps1 was great.
Rad Racer for NES.
Snow Brothers for SNES
The original Bubble Bobble for PC
'Dude, check out this nasty gouge.'
'Your mom has a nasty gouge.'
Turn up the cool. Turn down the suck!!!
Posts: 14593
Karma: 1,089
OH YEAH Devil May Cry,best action game there is.
Hummingbird style: 70 times in one second.
'Nigga Please- from the makers of Cracker Ass-crackers.'
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
oh yeah, and burger time for intelevision 2...classic!
proud owner of 'team ramrod', the best NS hockey pool team ever.
Posts: 4122
Karma: 222
MarioKart for N64. we had the sickest battles in that game at school. hmm...class or blaze & play mariokart.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
yes, duck hunt will always be the best
''...ride away clean and smiling, and taunt the rail by waving around your middle finger at it. (Note: if you have mittens on then it's important to take them off before preforming this procedure.'' -Boyd Easley (on rail sliding)
This signature has been brought to you by the letter Y and the number 8
Posts: 12727
Karma: 856
i can't believe only one other person has said super mario 3...it's the greatest of all marios, i have super nintendo in my room and i play it all the time
i like tony hawk 4 and vice city for ps2, even though those are really the only games i have
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Posts: 4243
Karma: 138
Final Fantasy 7, never has a game been so deep
2 Inchers Club
Posts: 7016
Karma: 187
it's called 'going skiing'
the last game i've played was duck hunt
i wont drop out of high school for skiing, mom
Posts: 135
Karma: 10
sonic and tony hawk series kick some serious ass but they should make a mortal kombat adventure game were you do more then just fight that would be to kool.
Posts: 366
Karma: 52
FF7 made me cry....when Aeris died...
it was the funniest thing cause my brothers kept making fun of me, but I think it'd be funny to see myself crying over a game.
Member of the OTC!
Skiing is not for the simple minded, that's why they invented the snowboard.
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