Replying to Ahhhhhh, skiing
I went skiing today. They plowed the road into the Medicine Bow mountains and opened it up over the weekend. A friend and I went up today since we didn't have school. There was a shit-load of snow. Along the road, at places the snow was 10 feet deep! We found this big steep face and skiing it a few times. We then found a rock outcropping and shoveled a bunch of snow on it and hit is as a little 15 footer for awhile. I like skiing.
Anyway, I was thinking about going up to A-Basin next weekend. Anyone know what the conditions are like up there?
I heard he had a style, and so I came to see him and listen for awhile.
Please don't go, suberban rythem, all the other bands are just shit!
Dangerous objects were left about in the hope that it would do itself an injury, preferably fatal.
But it never did, and instead, hacked up the carpets with knives.
Or burnt enormous holes in the upholstery with acid.
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