Posts: 1982
Karma: 1,240
I would never buy 9th wards, 1 because of there business skills straight up they suck, I've heard way too many stories that there shipping is fucked, and in their catalogue last year, the outter wear only had drawings and no pictures of the actual thing which is fucking gay and cheap. 2 because their image, and for those who said you shouldn't care about there image because they're killer guys, well then tell those killer guys not to push thier image so much in hopes of selling more product. Cuz they're "bad ass" image to me, screams, pussy ass rich white guys that think they're ghetto.
I also will not currently buy Line. The reason for this is, I feel they don't do enough product testing. I like there innovativeness but they've had two many problems with different things that product testing should have caught. Like there bindings breaking (which I loved that idea because I have 4 piars of skis) and skis delaming. Its cool that they'll give you a new pair but then it takes time out of your riding season to wait for the new pair only to have the problem reoccure because there the same model, aslo it gives there company too much bad press. So until they put two seasons of problem free product out I will not consider them either.