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I have to conduct a survery for one of my classes and i dont have near enough responses yet. Just write out the answers to these questions. It will only take a minute or 2.
1. How many times have you skied/snowboarded? ______ times
2. Why haven’t you skied or snowboarded or why don’t you ski or snowboard more?
Circle one answer or write an answer in the blank.
1Not enough time 2 Too cold 3 Too expensive 4Nobody to go with
5Don’t know how Other _________
3. How old are you? _____
4. On a scale from one to ten (ten being extremely fun and 1 being not fun at all) rate how you feel about skiing/snowboarding. ____________
5. What would make you more likely to ski/snowboard more often?
Circle one answer or write an answer in the blank.
1Cheaper Tickets 2Free Lessons 3Free transportation to the mountain 4Free Rentals
5More free time Other______________
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