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What Midwest collages have a good near by place to ski?
Obviously, Marquette Mtn. Its 2 miles from Marquette and about 6 or 8 miles from Northern Michigan University. Good school for Education, Business, Criminal Justice, Nursing, others too….. oh ya cant forget SKI AREA MANAGMENT.
Check these Marquette Mtn park pix
yeah that place looks really nice, but the only thing is that the season is going to be short
Creator of the NS Cousin Exchange Program
me think u need realize that we dun give a fuck..' cams
What? Who said the season was short? Marquette gets tons of snow... in the lower penninsula we were skiing two weeks before Thanksgiving through mid-May... and I know Marquette gets more snow than we do. That's a longer season than most western resorts had this winter.
*NSFD Station Chief*
actually i'm sure lots of people have seen it, they just didn't wanna spend the time to point it out.
-I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die
I'm going to U of Utah next winter its like 20 miles from over 7 resorts badass ones at that. Btw I was went skiing at one yesterday it was the last day of season but still thats a pretty good legnth of season
Crashin' with Passion'
You know your a good skier when you drive your standard car all the way to the resort in your ski boots.
Michigan Tech is right near Mt Bohemia and owns Mt Ripley which right on the campus. UW-Madison is real near Tyrol Basin and Cascade. __________________________
My dad used to teach at Michagen Tech. I used to live in Houghton.
I heard he had a style, and so I came to see him and listen for awhile.
Please don't go, suberban rythem, all the other bands are just shit!
Dangerous objects were left about in the hope that it would do itself an injury, preferably fatal.
But it never did, and instead, hacked up the carpets with knives.
Or burnt enormous holes in the upholstery with acid.
Who if any one would visit the best park in the Midwest for a camp/slope style comp, if there was a convinced pro-freeride chick there? Coaching, hanging and if you play it right…… Well, who knows?
Notre Dame is probably 8-9 Hours from Marquette, probably 9 from Houghton. If you're a park guy Marquette is better, if you're B.C. guy Michigan Tech is better...and both hill have long seasons.
Wanna bet dude? There most definantely is a BC in Michigan. If you don't beleive me go visit that place and hook up with someone who knows some tricks of the trade. The best spots linger around 1300' long as some of the best heli runs I've ever taken.
Still don't beleive me?? The Keewenaw Peninsula has been written up in Powder Mag. for hidden secrets twice now (to my knowledge).
Mt Bohemia bitch. Trees galore + a lot of fucking snow. Good as anyplace out west for snow and trees, just lacking in vert. __________________________
yeah Marquette is so sick i love it. That transfer was cool shit and the huge booter at the end of the pipe, that's a huge one.
-I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die
stu, quit pimpin out your sister.. uw madison is 30 min from Tyrol basin and 5 hrs from marquette....
Even Speed Racer and his Incredible Mach 5 cannot destroy my Cobra Snake Style---Me
yea, ive never skid up in marquette but form what i hear it is a pretty badass spot to ride. As far as the midwest goes.
i hate posers! Pot leads too... uh i forgot. Thats hilarious wherever i heard it.. Its on here somewhere.Thanx to harvey for such a kick ass site
Yes my park is like a collage, it flows like water. Any simple college peep would know that. LOL. Yes its in the Midwest. Tech is a dope school also. Mad props to Mt Ripley and Mt Bohemia. Ripley use to be my frave place to ski, its been a while since ive been there its gota be dope shit with rails and hits.