As a film maker, dude you should shut the fuck up. MSP has been around longer than alot of the film companies in out industry. After awhile, everyones work begins to look the same. And the fact of the matter is, you dont need japan, or anything like that to make a movie. You need creativity, and a personable personality to make a good movie, and a creative project, i have a 900 dollar budget for my film this year, and because i work hard, and dont just film on days i feel like it, i film every day i go out, i sacrafice my own skiing season to do this. Its the same thing people at MSP, and most film companies do from what i've seen. Now obviously with a company of that size, everyone can get there off time. But it pisses me off that kids like you are constantly bitching about movies, and about different things in skiing. Watching your trailer, i'm the least bit impressed. You arent touching some of the am-film makers out there. Because your attitude towards half the companies and movies out there. If you see something that you dont like, do it better, dont bitch about it.
Everyone does what they want to do, now i do see things in movies and use them, like shots and what not, but i also try to create new ones, if alot of people like a movie, that is going to push more companies in that direction to draw more people into seeing their film. Everyone copies someone else, as do you. If you set up a tripod to get a shot, are you not copying someone? Since nearly everyone uses tripods. So i would be willing to give you that budget, and give you the equipment to make a movie like that and would put down 100 grand that you couldnt even match it because of how much of an arrogant prick you are. You wont be respected because of your outlook on the ski film industry, people work their asses off, and work sometimes 14 hrs a day for a month straight to finish a movie. So please gain some respect, and if you dont like something find a way to make it better or be more creative.
Creativity doesnt cost anything, it just takes not being an arrogant ass whole, that has no respect for fellow film makers out there who have earned their way to the top!
You are entitled to your opinion, but maybe you should work for a ski film company before you start talking yourself all big.