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WE GOT AN EARTHQUAKE.....in northern Ontario.....Canada
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
Soo last night i was sleeping then all of a sudden everything starts to shake like crazy. I wake up at about 2 30 am. I think its the fucking end of the world, then all of a sudden it stops. I walk into class the next day to be told that we had a 4.1 magnitude earth quake........it was weird/fun/ scary at the same time. So thats my story....anybody else been in one?
Posts: 31125
Karma: 336
thats cool but odd. No real fault lines up there.
Posts: 544
Karma: 10
its that damn global warming i swear
Posts: 31125
Karma: 336
There are some uber old lines but they are pretty much toasted
Posts: 6072
Karma: 18
Earthquakes are pretty crazy...I was in Japan a few years ago and they have like little tiny ones all the time, and most people don't even notice them. Unfortunately I am very sensitive to them so I was sick to my stomach pretty much the whole week.
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
i know...its fucked. But i have a friend that goes to university, she has the sizemac (sp) charts and everything.
Posts: 4228
Karma: 20
I forget exactly why these occurs, I leant about it in geography 12 last year, but it has something to do with stress fields and crustal weakness instead of the normal tectonic plate movement. I'm no major in this, this is all I remember, so dont mark my words.
Posts: 963
Karma: 10
wow.. i ive in southern ontario, but i didnt feel a thing
Posts: 411
Karma: 49
I was on the phone with my friend in Kingston and he felt it too
Posts: 1716
Karma: 16
I'll tell you who it was, it was that damned sascwatch
Posts: 31125
Karma: 336
same, but i sleep like a friggen rock
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
well you know how they show earthquakes in the movies, well its exactly like that.....like if someone sakes the video camera.
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
yeah there was one in montreal a couple of years ago, it was pretty weird
Posts: 1720
Karma: 20
wait northern ontario as in where. my cottage is up there somewhere. my tramp better not have been destroyed. shit son
Posts: 2216
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Karma: 502
we had a rad one in seattle like 5 years ago. I think it was a 6.8, it was intense. The ground felt like liquid, and everything shook like crazy. I want it to happen again.
Posts: 1941
Karma: 177
Posts: 2833
Karma: 46
I remember that, it was lame as shit though because the REAL earthquake was in Vermont or something.
Posts: 1529
Karma: 11
i have felt a couple and i am just outside of ottawa(kinda south west) I remember watching a cup fall off the fridge one morning and i have felt a couple other ones too.
Posts: 712
Karma: 11
wow thats really weird...since your not close to the st-lawrence valley at all you should get noting
Posts: 2061
Karma: 27
maybe a new mountain is growing!!
Posts: 6005
Karma: 2,203
4.1 is nothing. and it is possible for earthquakes to occur away from fault lines.
Posts: 6284
Karma: 49
Posts: 656
Karma: 32
golobal warming isn't real
so in the 70's it was the ice age now its global warming
croc of shit u guys are getting played by the media
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
the quake happened in sudbury. not spectacular. no damage occured from it. just minor shaking. and to those who said its wierd to have a quake there is rong. sudbury is basically on top of a giant honeycomb. its home of a huge nickel mine
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
we had like a 7.9 or 8.3 or something in 2002 i think..it was in the middle of fuckin no where of course
Posts: 1411
Karma: 28
i did a project on northern ontario earthquakes... and sudbury, north bay that area is on a fault line or where earth quakes occour regularly but they dont usually feel anything cause the plate/ground is very thick rock making it a dampener to quakes
Posts: 10035
Karma: 8,128
its either that or if a plate breaks and then falls into the ocean, thats an earthquake and a tsunami.. apparently thats whats gonna happen on van. isl. in liek the next couple hundred years... or so... i remember when there was an earthquake on van isle one time i was working and it was sweet cause i could feel the earth moving beneath my feel and it felt auxilerating(sp?) for those 6 secconds it lasted
Posts: 9661
Karma: 276
there was one in syracuse one time, but I was in italy, so i didn't feel it.
Posts: 963
Karma: 10
i used to live by kingston :D
Posts: 1720
Karma: 20
shit son my cottage is gunna fall of its cliff then
Posts: 16253
Karma: 538
There was one Souht of Buffalo when I was younger. i was playing in the woods. It was just weird. Small. Don't remember the magnitude. There is a very old big fault that runs through the area, but it isn't prone to movement though.-
Posts: 805
Karma: 182
yea japan is pretty nuts with all that i was there for a year and i dont know how many i felt the little ones are cool and fun but the big ones sketch you out. the best thing to do is to jump off a ledge or something and try and land on your feet with out falling over. but then all the japs think your some crazy white boy jumping around....which i guess i was.
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