this is cool i found this at a site looking for the lyrics its a pink floyd song
Remember when you were young,
You shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes,
Like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire
Of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too soon,
You cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night,
And exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome
With random precision,
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!
Nobody knows where you are,
How near or how far.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Pile on many more layers
And I'll be joining you there.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
And we'll bask in the shadow
Of yesterday's triumph,
And sail on the steel breeze.
Come on you boy child,
You winner and loser,
Come on you miner for truth and delusion, and shine!
A rather long song (26 minutes), this song is just beautiful. It's divided in 9 parts as read on the jacket of the CD. For those wondering what are these parts, here's an explanation:
Rick Wright's organ
Dave's enchanting guitar solo
This part starts with the da-dum-da-dum part. It introduces the bass and drums into the song.
The lyrics.
The sax solo
The guitar and bass
The lyrics again.
The instrument after Roger sings the verse.
Rick's organ again.
This song, like the album, is a tribute to Syd Barrett (real name Roger Barrett). He is the crazy diamond in the song. One might wonder where Roger, Dave, Nick and Rick have come up with the analogy. It might have something to do with John Lennon's Lucy in the Sky with Diamond from The Beatles' album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band but this reason doesn't fulfill the question. Interestingly enough, if one would put the song title into initials (SOYCD) and take out 'O' and 'C' you would get 'Syd'. Another interesting note is that Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is often abbreviated into 'LSD'. LSD, or acid, was the drug that had destroyed Syd.
It's been said that Syd's eyes twinkled but with his heavy usage of LSD and other hallucinogens had caused them to appear vacant and dormant. Often at times, he would stare right through people when he was trying to talk to him (sort of like Pink in the movie 'The Wall').
'You were caught in the cross-fire of childhood and stardom.' This line is easy to analyze. Syd was very young when he became a celebrity in London. He was very unaccustomed to being in the center of attention and maybe for this, his LSD use heightened as he sought escape. The one line where it mentions secret and moon could be references to Floyd albums that are integral in the band's history: Saucerful of Secrets and Dark Side of the Moon. The latter being Pink Floyd's most famous album and the former being the album in which Syd left the band and had contributed his last song to the Floyd catalogue: Jugband Blues.
The rest of the last verse is as well easy to analyse. Roger sings of how Syd may have had nightmares thanks to his drug use and how on stage, Syd may have been exposed to the spotlight when he was out of his mind. Apparently there were concerts would strum the A-minor chord for the whole night. These incidents are referred to in Brain Damage in the line 'and when your band starts playing different tunes'. Roger goes on saying that Syd wore out his welcome and popularity when he first started to become more and more detached.
Something really interesting occured in the midst of recording this tribute to Syd, a fat, bald man walked in the studio and started to wander around. No one knew where he was or where he came from but soon the band's manager, Peter Jenner, recognized him and said: 'My God, it's Syd'! Syd wanted to his old mates to check upon them now that they were successful. He declined when he was asked if wanted to rejoin the band.
All of Shine On You Crazy Diamond was intended for one track but its length could be placed on one LP side thus it was divided into two.
The lyrics to the second track maintain the songs theme however its verses are ringed with regret and sorrow. It's a bit of a requiem for Syd because now 'no one knows where he is' (until he showed up in the studio) and that the band must continue going on without him as they bask in the success of Dark Side.