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Importance of right side versus left side spins...?
Posts: 128
Karma: 31
First off, let me say that I am not trying to knock people doing the unnatural side, I know it is much more difficult.
This is a sport that is about style. So while I understand the difficulty aspect of unnatural, is it really that important? I mean the spins look the same, often better on the natural side.
In the pipe its different, if you spin uphill it looks a lot different than spinning downhill, so obviously there is a style element there. Same with rails, pretzel just looks awesome, so there is a style aspect there.
However, on any other feature the two ways look the same (or very similar). I'm not saying its bad to spin unnatural, but does it really matter? I mean if we judge in difficulty yes, it does. Other than that, in terms of looks, it seems sort of unimportant.
Thoughts??????? Maybe some of you guys think they look very different?
Posts: 1458
Karma: 186
thye dont look much different except its the difficulty of left side spins (in my case). but you know how cool it looks if someone does a back to back spin..pretty cool
Posts: 933
Karma: 5,358
i agree, it makes sense, in lss corey vanular is sick, but i dont think he even does any unnaty. i think that unnaty is mostly for competitions
Posts: 656
Karma: 32
its sick if you can make ur unatty's look sick or sickers than the nat and that makes ur rep alot higher
Posts: 9274
Karma: 10,656
When I see a skier hit a double kicker line and spin left on one and right on the next, I think that's mega bonus style. and if a skier spins with style to his unnatural side, then its not just normal style, its ultra mega bonus style.
Posts: 128
Karma: 31
agreed, in a jump line, it is much better
Posts: 128
Karma: 31
yeah, in competitions it makes more sense
Posts: 933
Karma: 5,358
^ yeah, but when watching corey vanulars segment, its like holy shit, and he doesnt do much if any unnatty, or switch hits!
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
See: Anthony Boronowski, X=Ten, War. The fact that his switch rightside in BC looks as good if not better than his natty spins is far more impressive than if he could only do them one way.
Posts: 4578
Karma: 2,512
some jumps(hips, weird natural jumps etc)and urban rails only allow to hit at one angle or from one side because of trees, poles, signs and other obstacles etc....if you can do anything on everything, you dont need to worry about not being able to hit certain things.
Posts: 4818
Karma: 315
it's fun to spin the other way it's scary, but exciting at the same time.
Posts: 1982
Karma: 1,240
Personally its fun to try and get good at something new, speshially at my hill when you cant really toss bigger then 720 less you do it as a joke,so you get kinda bored at the end of the week so you try it cuz its new. But yea if your just showboating around the park it doesnt really matter your natty way'll just look better, for comps, I think it should matter, but not focus on which side is the skiers wrong way but if he spins both ways well, and for videos its always cool to see a guy rippen big shit both ways.
Posts: 12811
Karma: 1,971
i think it's importan when doing jump lines, it looks sick to say do a rightside 5 and then do a switch leftie 7
Posts: 7382
Karma: 148
coolest trick ever
rightside 360 onto one of those box things made outa snow in shanghai six. then a leftside 360 out
or back to back is sick
otherwise, i cood care less
Posts: 2178
Karma: 14
If you don't think they are important then don't do them?
Posts: 19
Karma: 10
i think unnattrul is mostly for comps
Posts: 4714
Karma: 1,050
mirroring tricks looks sick as FUCK!
Posts: 4329
Karma: 300
i was dreading the whole unnaty concept going into this year. i dont want to have to learn all my spins the other way and what not. i think it is unnecisary. but as the one dude said above me, it looks sick in a line spinnin one way then the other
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