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Could lines little videos be anymore pathetic?
Posts: 2990
Karma: 1,942
no, i thought they were a pro ski company?.....
Posts: 2342
Karma: 3,940
they're not made by line, they're made by people in the skier's union. Line's little forum type dealy thing, im not quite sure what it is. But those videos are submitted by people. Actually i think they're mainly submitted by line's am team.
Posts: 2274
Karma: 4,100
could Alexmart113 be any more pathetic?
Posts: 1902
Karma: 11
they are better than your videos...which suck really bad
Posts: 2274
Karma: 4,100
Posts: 3713
Karma: 218
if you made them they would be a little more pathetic
Posts: 1066
Karma: 564
dude, its made by the kids on the line team...give them a break
Posts: 7819
Karma: 417
if u were talking to sharko, then hahahaha
Posts: 1938
Karma: 42
come on man there still trying to figure out things in the business even though they have been in it since the beginning
Posts: 1902
Karma: 11
u guys are mad gay, they are the am teams videos. i get excited when there is a new one out
Posts: 11358
Karma: 21,035
Line is separating its self form the rest of the industry, and is hooking up a bunch of skiers that aren’t pro. The riders make there own edits, and stories then they are put on the site. Doing this allows the site to be updated a lot more, and gives people a chance to go on and see something different all the time. Other ski sites seam to leave the videos for months at a time and there is little to no updates. Line is trying something that not a lot of other people do, giving the little guy some power. Just because most everyone else has a team full of pros, doesn’t mean that is how things need to be done. You just seam to be close minded to the industry and separating your self’s from others.
The videos that are made are done in a relatively short amount of time, and done by AMs. The videos are also filmed mostly in one day and on a trip or just a session so I am not sure what you are expecting. You have the right to criticize Line, but next time you do think before you write something if you want people to take you seriously. Because honestly no one takes STEP seriously, so you will need to work extra hard.
Posts: 1422
Karma: 36
is the one with the guy talking got any skiing in it or no i didnt make it all the way through
Posts: 15174
Karma: 480
alex, shut teh fuck up and get an edumacation.
Posts: 668
Karma: 12
hes not a pro skier though
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
the updates are made in like one day........ they arent made to be hardcore level1 shit, just a recap of an event or something. some of the mountain command/ skiers union videos arent too great, but its not a proteam so idk what your expecting
Posts: 211
Karma: 29
neither are the guys making the vids he's bashing
Posts: 4360
Karma: 1,382
i like those little videos they are fun to watch and make me want to go skiing.
Posts: 2990
Karma: 1,942
thats more my point, i think this halarious, i was just pointing out that they could definitely put a little more effort in, maybe film some cooler stuff, film a little better, make them have a point, i just expect more out of line, but what do i know, im an asshole
Posts: 1177
Karma: 45
Posts: 138
Karma: 10
yeah i see those videos i and i say let's go skiing, those videos are cool, dont bash
Posts: 4578
Karma: 2,512
I'm glad you enjoyed them. This is the point of the little edits, to show you can have fun with your friends skiing on just about anything. You dont need to have perfect shots with the expensive camera your parents bought you to make a fun edit. If you dont enjoy them then don't watch them.
Posts: 2228
Karma: 317
this post could result in a knifing, 9?
Posts: 1452
Karma: 661
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
better than your crap, i like them, they're fundangle
Posts: 9661
Karma: 276
They get me more stoked to ski than any of the shitty hi-8 backyard step on videos, loosely edited to jay-z. Keep up the good work
Posts: 2274
Karma: 4,100
probably not, as i don't have any posted
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
line isn't a company like salomon or rossignol. They're different it's about the skiing. They're about just going out to have fun skiing, not about being number 1, best shit to ever happen to skiing and forget why you ever started skiing in the first place. Skiing is what you make it. Line hasn't forgoten that
Posts: 2999
Karma: 365
could you be any more of an asshole? most of the videos on lines site are from kids who are active members of newschoolers.
Posts: 3434
Karma: 2,724
wouldnt u rather have more edits rather than less?? i enjoy the edits alot fyi they always get me stoked on lines am team
Posts: 2990
Karma: 1,942
this is awsome
just saw the new line video, LJ rules
Posts: 3547
Karma: 1,350
all those kids in those edits are crazy insanely nasty at skiing, and what you see right now is what they have to work with for snow which isnt all to much on the east which is pathetic
Posts: 3608
Karma: 90
If line was trying to advertise their professionalism yea, but their marketing goals are the complete oposite.
Posts: 5063
Karma: 2,478
Line's pro team is eric pollard... whose video is so sick. The one thing that J Lev has always been really good at is giving young, non "pro" riders lots and lots of recognition...
Posts: 2990
Karma: 1,942
hey matt walker, fuck you, your skis are ugly, no one wants to hear from you, everyone cares what i think
Posts: 61855
Karma: 125,663
Posts: 111
Karma: 15
they cant be any more pathetic than the kids that sit here and discuss it.....lame
Posts: 414
Karma: 10
Line was sweet untill I got fucked with last years invaders and they stuck me with a fucking store credit
Posts: 1039
Karma: 1,727
lines r just gay in gernel
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
Posts: 2146
Karma: 88
ha, i love watching those videos, those guys are super fun and watching those videos makes me want to ski more than ever, props to them...
Posts: 1359
Karma: 23
The squaw powder day edit was awsome!
I was there that day, lined up at KT with my boys, caught 7th or 8th chair...watching that video just lit up my memory on how epic that day was. Not to mention Mike Wilson's double back of becks rock!
The time lapse of the fingers is insane! Cannot get enough of that shot...
Posts: 3318
Karma: 9
you ignorant....when you can get your name out there enough to even get a second look by line then you can talk all the shit you want.......those vids and edits are cool shit casue i can relate to them casue its the same bullshit me and my boys are doin on a regular basis
Posts: 2274
Karma: 4,100
You don't get it do you? LINE does not make the videos, kids make them and submit them. This would be like watching someone's self made edit on NS and then saying how NS sucks because they didn't film cool stuff. But hey, if ripping on kids makes you feel better about yourself, then by all means...
Posts: 2990
Karma: 1,942
well of course it makes me feel good, thats the point, but why not put the better videos from ns on that little square? i have found i like most of the line videos now, i was mostly just refering to the first day on the east one, that was lame, it wasnt even the first day on the east, whaleback has had better rails up for a while
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
Posts: 2990
Karma: 1,942
naw dude, i hate that kid
Posts: 4719
Karma: 20
i like them, you're a douche bag.
Posts: 7485
Karma: 396
dude I skied there the day after those kids went and believe me, they did the best with what they had to work with. It was a 100 yard patch of rapidly melting slush with jibs that you had to set up yourself with a couple shovels. And they filmed and made the vid in like way less than a week. It's fun to watch because just watchin them ski its obvious they're havin fun and enjoying the crappy conditions that we've all been dealing with this fall. If you dont like it then make a better vid and give it to line to put on their site instead.
Posts: 11358
Karma: 21,035
smoke some better weed kid
Posts: 267
Karma: 10
Shitty home videos of kids eating ice cream is exactly what makes me want to buy skis...
I miss the old Line...
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
more proof that we need an NS sarcasm meter. People just can't seem to get it
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