Most of you know axe to be a good smelling deoderant/body wash/ body spray ect. but there is a downside to the body wash that most of you may not know. I call it "The Other Axe Affect"
I Decided since this weekend i havent been home at all that i finally needed a shower. So I do what i always do get my shit together and get ready for my shower and everything was going normal till i got in the shower and picked up my Axe Pheonix Body Wash (Suspect A) and i went to shake it around and instead of hearing the common sound of Gush Gush i hear Gushick Gushick and i make nothing of it. I Pour the axe out onto my washcloth and well wash myself like a normal human being would do. I finish my shower and step out dry off get changed and as im walking back to this computer (My Primary Whitness) and i start feeling very very itchy all over... and then it continues to burning too. I take off my nice clean shirt to see RED, but not just any red, little red dots i think mayb i had an allergic reaction (Suspect B) to something but then i remember im not allergic to much but pollen and dust. I decided to investigate. I find 2 things of interest, a spider (Suspect C) and my axe body wash, i take a closer look at the spider and i see that it is dead and just sits there looking creepy so i do further investigating with my axe and find that my axe had frozen little water crystals in the shampoo and that they had caused little scratches into my skin causing really bad itching and burning.
So for those of you who use axe beware it fucking hurts
Further Investigating into this to see if other body washes will do this will occur.