Each group is given a deck of cards with the jokers removed. Each person in the group must complete two trials of the following task. With one person timing the participant must whole the shuffled deck face down, and flip cards up one at a time sorting them into groups (1's, 2's, 3's, and 4's together, 5's and 6's together, 7's and 8's together, 9's and 10's together, and a separate pile for each face card including aces). Once the cards are completely sorted the timer stops the watch, and the time is recorded. This trial is completed 2 times by everyone in the group, and the pre trial scores are posted on the board. The class is then divided into 2 groups, the whole practice group and the part practice group. The part practice must break the practicing down into parts according to the sheet. First each member must be timed while sorting the cards into face cards and non face cards. Following that, each member will be timed sorting the cards into face cards, non face cards, and aces. Finally each member of the group will be timed sorting the cards into a pile for 1's 2's 3's 4's 5's 6's, a pile for 7's 8's 9's 10's, a pile for face cards, and a pile for aces. These 3 separate trials are then repeated for a total of 6 practice trials. All results are recorded. While the part practice group is doing there trials, the whole practice group is doing 6 trials of the original process. Separating the cards in the same way in which they were separated in the pretrial. After six trials are done, all results should be recorded. A day later, we do the post trials. Getting into small groups, everyone will do 2 more trials in the same way that they did the original pre trials. Each trial will be timed and recorded. The results are then posted on the board for comparison. Each participant must find the mean of their pre trials, their post trials, their first 3 body trials, and their second 3 body trials, as well as the difference between their pre and post trials. The results are put on the board in accordance with the group each person was in. Finally the mean of each column on the board is calculated to compare the average results.