Replying to Scary cop encounter
im so scared right now
airmoose56: y
minimoose2109: some cops just made me stop and like talked to me
minimoose2109: ill tel you about it
minimoose2109: so
minimoose2109: i got this partial membership at the ymca to try it out and c if i like it
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: i went therte a few mins ago cause they usually close at 9, but tonight they close at 6
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: so i couldnt get in and i lefty and theres this trail called the greenway near it
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: its a concrete path in the woods thats like 8 miles long
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: and my friend called so i pulled down tot alk to him so i wouldnt talk and drive
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: theres this p[arking lot and like shelter for the trailhead of the greenway which is where i was and theres this curb where u can drive on the greenway
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: so i puill straight down and i stop in front of it and park tot alkt my frioend
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: so these cops drive by and they pull iun really fast and like turn on their lights
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: and there like asking me all this shit because they thought i was going to drive down it and they wouldnt belive me
minimoose2109: and they like searched the car for weapons and shit, there was 2 cops
airmoose56: damn
minimoose2109: and they made me get out and i was like alright i dont care search it
minimoose2109: and it was the scariest shit ever
minimoose2109: i 3was lie praying pleae dont givbe me a ticket
minimoose2109: and after like 6 mins of snooping throught the car and shit they come back and this one like bald cop that looks all badass is like tell me right now what u were thinking driving on a pedestrian walkway
minimoose2109: and im like i wasnt driving on it and i wasnt planning on it
minimoose2109: and hes like alright cut the nonsense tell me now what u were thinking and i might not give u a ticket
airmoose56: wtf
minimoose2109: (i had already told hgim i was on the phone)
minimoose2109: and i tell him again and he made me go get my phone and show him who i was talking to
minimoose2109: and they assume so much shit
minimoose2109: there like so what kimnd of drugs do u do, who were u meeting down there
airmoose56: wtf
minimoose2109: and first they take my license and do all that shit in the car for like 10 mins then they come back and there like this really doesnt look good so there like we will need to search the car and u have to get outy
minimoose2109: and they though i had a person in the back
airmoose56: wtf
minimoose2109: i was so scared
minimoose2109: abd there really gay
minimoose2109: i though i was gonna get a ticket
minimoose2109: because the guy is like tell me honestly what u were going to do and u miught not get a ticket
airmoose56: yea
minimoose2109: and i told him the complete truth twice and hes like that still doesnt answer the wuestion
minimoose2109: so im like fuck just give me a damn ticket then
minimoose2109: ^i didnt really say that
minimoose2109: but............
minimoose2109: finally hes like alrught im gonna let you go, but this was criminal loitering and that is very serious
minimoose2109: so i hate cops
airmoose56: lol i have had some shit with cops but yea i no how they do shit
airmoose56: if i was there it would have been better for u
airmoose56: y id u send me the chat
airmoose56: did
minimoose2109: i didnt think i did
airmoose56: o
minimoose2109: i must have accidently hit the button
minimoose2109: if i was there i woulda been screwed since i dont have my 6 months
airmoose56: yea thats true
minimoose2109: but there so gay
minimoose2109: i hate how they assume everything
minimoose2109: and at first he told me to sit on the curb that was to the side of the car then hes like wait go sit over there so i can keep an eye on you
minimoose2109: and i was like sitting in the headlights of 3 cars
airmoose56: lol
minimoose2109: i felt like i had just fucking like murdered 10 people and they were gonna like shoot me or something
airmoose56: lol
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