Or you can just follow these instructions:
1. Get supplies --> wax, iron, scraper, a nylon brush, and a brass brush (you can get horse-hair too, but it only really makes a significant difference for racing).
2. It helps to have a set of tuning vices, or somewhere where you can lay your ski flat and steady on a surface.
3. Tie your binding brakes down so that they sit as if they would when your boot is in the binding (you can use elastic bands for this, but if you feel it necessary you can actually buy proper brake ties)
4. Place the ski base up on a steady surface (maybe in a set of tune vices)
5. Heat up the waxing iron to the reccomended temperature (stated either on the box or on the wax.) If the iron starts smoking when wax is applied, turn the temperature down (don't worry, it's not on fire and it will still work perfectly fine).
6. When the iron reaches the needed temperature, place it over the ski and 'press' the stick/block of wax onto the iron surface so that the hot wax drips onto your base. Move down the ski so that there is a 'line' of drips on the base that form somewhat of a roller coaster/wave pattern.
7. Once you have dripped the needed amount of wax onto your base (the needed amount is up to you, but if your wax starts dripping off the side of your ski when you iron it on, you're wasting wax), put the stick/block of wax down, and place the iron on the base of the ski. DON'T LET THE IRON SIT IN ONE PLACE ON YOUR BASE FOR ANY AMOUNT OF TIME OR IT WILL BURN YOUR BASE AND YOU WILL END UP WITH BUBBLES IN YOUR BASE!!!!!!!
8. Run the iron up and down the ski. Make an effort not to move the iron any direction other than up and down the base (not across).
9. Once the wax has completely covered the base, turn the iron off and let the skis sit (they can sit vertically up against a wall they don't have to be flat, just make sure the bases don't touch anything).
10. Let the skis sit for as long as possible, as this will give the wax more time to set into the base. As a rule, over night is usually a good amount of time.
11. Now it's scraping time. Make sure your scraper is sharp enough. There are many ways to sharpen the scraper, and if you're willing to spend the money you can actually buy like a 10 dollar scraper-sharpener. To set a standard sharpness, feel the edge of the scraper when you buy it as that is the perfect sharpness. Also, buy and use a plastic scraper, as metal ones are made only for petexing.
12. Place the ski back where it was when you waxed. For this step, it really helps if the ski is secured sturdily on a surface, with the brakes still tied --> providing an easy surface for scraping without obstructions. If you need to though, you can always scrape on the hill leaning your ski up against a wall, but it doesn't do as good a job.
13. Use the scraper to remove all the wax on the base. When finished, it should look similar to how it did before you applied the wax. On the scraper, there should be a little 'knick' on one of the corners. Use this 'knick' to remove the wax on your edges.
14. Time to brush. Use the nylon brush for this step. Take a marker, and draw an arrow on your bush. This will now be your brush direction, so that when your brush bristles bend, you dont end up going against them.
15. Take your brush and brush the ski base down. When brushing, ALWAYS run from tip to tail. Put some elbow grease into this because this step gives your base a little bit of texture, and somewhat 'polishes' what you've been working on.
16. Once you've brushed your base, you've finished. You're done. Bingo, it's over! Congratulations on properly waxing your skis.
Oh and you may be asking why I told you to buy a brass brush as well. You use brass brushes before you wax, as they help to remove any debris your bases may have picked up while skiing, as well as any old and unwanted wax. Again, with the brass brush, draw an arrow to mark the brush direction, and ALWAYS brush tip to tail. Work the brass brush just as you do the nylon in step 15, just use it before you wax your skis... say between step 4 and 5. I hope this helps you, and if you have any more questions pm me.