well... don't hate on me if I am wrong...
I know there have been threads and stuff on certain tricks but i was thinking more along the lines of a specific spot on the site kind of like the reviews area. where you can post tips on how to do stuff ya know like approaching for the trick, execution, etc so peepz can learn some dope ski manuevers :)
also.. i know that there are threads that define what tricks are what but most people don't want to search bar that shit or don't even know that there is a forum. so, another idea I have would be a NS dictionary. where you could search steeze and a defination would pop up.
steeze: doing a trick with ease and style, making it look effortless and dope :)
people could submit definations and whatnot.
just 2 ideas, who knows if they already exist or have, or I have no clue as to what is on NS.