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Killington Opens Thanksgiving
Posts: 1137
Karma: 22
Check the site. Top to bottom for thanksgiving.
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Posts: 3598
Karma: 2,539
so no rail jam im guessing?
im going to hell but
Posts: 3225
Karma: 47
i wont believe it until im actually there skiing.
Posts: 1137
Karma: 22
They will probably still have it, waterville had a railjam and they havent opened yet.
Posts: 3278
Karma: 883
i dont know if id call what waterville did a railjam...the was a fight though, so it wasnt all bad.
Posts: 814
Karma: 185
that is acctually a myth and killington wont be opening this winter nither will anywhere else on the east coast because snow no longer exists nither does the 32 degrees
Posts: 11358
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Rail jam was this sunday, and they wont have any snow at the base. So unless they truck people up to the glades they wont be having it on sunday, they may have it the following weekend but im not sure.
Posts: 3534
Karma: 25
god damn all east black out dates fucking hate being poor.
Posts: 1087
Karma: 10
not to be a pessimest, but i dont see it happening. For the last 48 hours its been 50+ degrees w/ thick fog and rain, which is going to kill the base and make snowmaking almost impossible.
This weather is supposed to last into next tues
hopefully they open, but it just sounds like "hype" to get thanksgiving vacationers to NOT cancel their reservations
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and for the guy 2 posts above me, i don't think they're fucking assholes like that
Posts: 1075
Karma: 308
Post the link to where it says that on the website because i do not see it anywhere.
Your all wrong the weather is supposed to drop back down to below freezing Saterday and if they blow snow they will be fine cause i hiked up Saterday and there was a shit load of snow on the Glades all they need is to blow down below and they will be fine.
Posts: 3225
Karma: 47
thats just not true. it starts to get cold saturday.
Nov 18 Saturday
Rain and snow showers. Highs in the upper 40s and lows in the low 30s.
Nov 19 Sunday
A few snow showers. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the upper 20s.
Nov 20 Monday
Clouds giving way to sun . Highs in the upper 30s and lows in the mid 20s.
Nov 21 Tuesday
Sunshine. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the mid 20s.
Nov 22 Wednesday
Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the upper 20s.
Nov 23 Thursday
Mostly cloudy. Highs in the low 40s and lows in the upper 20s.
Posts: 2730
Karma: 194
NO RAIL JAM check the site under events the next is dec 2 and its rails to riches
Posts: 2904
Karma: 12
still 11 days...weather not looking good, hope it happens.
Posts: 2378
Karma: 12
wait so there is no chance of it opening the 19th? damnit i wanted to do the ski market trip up there but i guess not
Posts: 2100
Karma: 23
I wish they still ran the truck. We could've been skiing 2 weeks ago.
Posts: 1386
Karma: 569
thats sick i hope sundown open then but i doubt it
Posts: 129
Karma: 10
its been raining for the past few days, doubtful that they will open
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
well sounds good, i hope it will work out, but i feel it will not
Posts: 759
Karma: 33
this is bulshit they were suposed to be open last weekend they should just open
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
Posts: 5238
Karma: 1,359
Resort News: Killington Resort will be open for the Thanksgiving holiday. Forecasted colder temperatures will allow us to start making snow Friday night all the way into Monday afternoon!
We still have a solid base at the top of K-1 with snow still covering six trails. This in addition to the 175 snow makers that will be blasting all weekend will provide a solid foundation for the rest of the season.
Posts: 550
Karma: 224
if they open on td that would sick
Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
nice, okemo better do the same.
Posts: 4360
Karma: 1,382
yes they should open when they dont have any snow and then you can just ski down on rocks and grass.
Posts: 2182
Karma: 4
its kind of hard to open a ski hill when its not cold dumbass
Posts: 1075
Karma: 308
They are opening next tuesday so they will be open the whole thanksgiving holiday
Posts: 1938
Karma: 42
oooooh baby i can't waait i want ski snow
Posts: 5238
Karma: 1,359
i've never been there but i'll be there friday. what trails they blowing on?
Posts: 2342
Karma: 3,940
The whole glades area, i think. Rhyme, reason, actually thats pretty much it. And the trail to it from the gondola and probly a trail, maybe two to get back down to the bottom/gondola.
Posts: 1774
Karma: 2
ljgls. i will not believe it until im there. ill be there the day after thanksgiving and that weekend . hope to see many of you there!!!!
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
i know its a dumb question, but whens the us thanksgiving, i always get mixed between the 24th and 25th
Posts: 3434
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Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
its not a certain day....its the second to last thursday
Posts: 2120
Karma: 161
Posts: 1075
Karma: 308
Im so pumped for this. Look for a kid in a light brown camo jacket and pants and thats me. Say Hi to me or something
Posts: 1029
Karma: 1,719
I will be there I'm just praying that its open!!
Posts: 2101
Karma: 10
i really hope it opens wit h some rails
Posts: 4801
Karma: 868
Posts: 7485
Karma: 396
dang I have a pass to both mtns and similar drivin distance, where to go???
Posts: 1075
Karma: 308
ticket price is normally 72 bucks but i think early season is 40 or 45 i dont remeber
Its all because of my 40$ seasons pass
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
65 degrees and pouring in VT right now...
Posts: 1242
Karma: 12
yea its been mad warn out i hope it opens on time
Posts: 5238
Karma: 1,359
The East Coast was battered with wind, rain and destructive thunderstorms Thursday, and another storm might come out of the woodwork early next week. It will be a much different animal, though. Instead of plowing in from the west, Monday's storm will form over the western Atlantic. The key factor is proximity. The closeness of the storm to the coast will make all the difference in the world. The worst-case scenario allows snow to fall from eastern Virginia to southern New England; best case is that it turns out bright and sunny everywhere. AccuWeather.com will keep you posted on this one. A lot can happen between now and then.
Story by AccuWeather.com Expert Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.
Posts: 3598
Karma: 2,539
pray it makes its way up to vt
Posts: 393
Karma: 126
sick, too bad they closed this weekend, iw as gonna go up
Posts: 2182
Karma: 4
killington i'll be wearing a white jacket covered with black grenades.. brand new fujatives. Sking with my brother bhoodpe7
word pass me the joint
Posts: 1774
Karma: 2
are you going up next weekend after thanksgiving? you me and iris need to ride together. its been forever girl!
Posts: 2310
Karma: 169
i thought it was funny because he refered to the storm as an animal
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