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To the guys: which girl would u prefer?
Posts: 1063
Karma: 10
So, i've come to believe that guys mostly think about getting head from hot girls. well, what fi u could only have one of the two?
so...which girl would u boys prefer? a fat ugly chick who gives damn good head or a hot sexy chick who can't give head for shit?
My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems.
'Life is a stage on which everyone contributes a verse...what will your verse be?' -Robin Williams in 'The Dead Poets Society'
Posts: 3262
Karma: 8
yea, girls definately need smacked when they look up. it's like 'listen bitch, i don't wanna think about what you're doing to my dick cause then i'll cringe every time i think about kissing you. you just concentrate on my cock and i'll concentrate on smacking you if a single tooth touches the damn thing......GOT THAT?!?!'
*Proud Member of the HoBum Posse
Viva la Resistance!
'Oh shit, Corey Brown's getting his license'
'That's right, watch out Connellsville, Downtown Corey Brown's out on the road.....give me all your drugs!!'
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Karma: 12
i would love for you to say that in the middle of getn head, madd_trixx
'what can we do to stop this war?'
'Leagalize PORN'
'Its allready legal'
'Not the kind i like'
Proud member of the official NS Ogre team, and NS communist party and OTC
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Karma: 8
haha, i will next time a girl looks up....taht is if she's just a head whore
*Proud Member of the HoBum Posse
Viva la Resistance!
'Oh shit, Corey Brown's getting his license'
'That's right, watch out Connellsville, Downtown Corey Brown's out on the road.....give me all your drugs!!'
Posts: 360
Karma: 10
so soxripper what do you think of this now......
dodgeball and nuts = a few guys on the floor crying and many laughing
skiing or sex... good question????
Official Member of the FFC
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Head is a delicate science, with many aspects..if a fat chick was giving head, it takes away from the experience, especially cause guys do a lot of thinking when they're getting head. for example : '....she's SUCKING my cock.........she's SUCKING my cock!!!YEAHHHH!!!!!!!' and if she's fat, that thought loses a lot of it's..well.....Yeahhness. get it?
SUck My AnTeAtEr
The more you want something, the less likely it will happen.
stealin and dealin screamin semen like a demon
My going rate is 25$
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Karma: 19
i know what u mean
'i was grinding with this one guy at a gay bar called 'From Behind' and he had a huge boner' - Lateralis
'i knew a kid at 12 who didnt know how to masturbate, until i showed him el porno' - petek
Hot Secretary of the OTC!
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
gilfs give good head when their dentures are out
President of the OTC!
Everybody, Lateralis drinks alcohol and smokes marijuana cigarettes. You're burned now, Lateralis! - halo
'ive been shavin since i was in 5th grade, yea the girls made fun of me then, but now they grovel at my feet just to pet me' - Alex aka Ds91260
Posts: 3262
Karma: 8
my dad told me he got head from a bitch without her front teeth once and said it was the best ever
*Proud Member of the HoBum Posse
Viva la Resistance!
'Oh shit, Corey Brown's getting his license'
'That's right, watch out Connellsville, Downtown Corey Brown's out on the road.....give me all your drugs!!'
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
i could imagine how that could be true,only soft gums rubbing against your dong,no fucken teeth
President of the OTC!
Everybody, Lateralis drinks alcohol and smokes marijuana cigarettes. You're burned now, Lateralis! - halo
'ive been shavin since i was in 5th grade, yea the girls made fun of me then, but now they grovel at my feet just to pet me' - Alex aka Ds91260
Posts: 3262
Karma: 8
yea, i mean even if the girl was bad it would still be good cause she couldn't rake
*Proud Member of the HoBum Posse
Viva la Resistance!
'Oh shit, Corey Brown's getting his license'
'That's right, watch out Connellsville, Downtown Corey Brown's out on the road.....give me all your drugs!!'
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
i think ill break all my gfs teeth just for that reason
President of the OTC!
Everybody, Lateralis drinks alcohol and smokes marijuana cigarettes. You're burned now, Lateralis! - halo
'ive been shavin since i was in 5th grade, yea the girls made fun of me then, but now they grovel at my feet just to pet me' - Alex aka Ds91260
Posts: 4701
Karma: 8
hmm one time this girl was givin me a downright bad bj, so bad that i kinda like zoned out and was thinking about something else and got soft. she got mad and asked me why. i told her that she dragged her teeth too much and she doesnt use her tounge. she got even madder and left, she told me she was insulted and that she gave good head and i was just a loser. i spilled a beer on her on 'accident' later that night, good times.
'handin out flyers is jus fuckin ridiculous...when you give somebody a flyer its like...say man...why dont you go throw this out for me?'
-mitch hedburg
Posts: 5214
Karma: 47
dude who cares about head, its all about actual intercourse, the hot chick
'...all fled before his face. All save one. There waiting, silent
and still in the space before the gate, sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax.'
'It's not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been clouding my mind since we left Lorien. Something draws near, I can feel it.'
How many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
10, 1 to do it, and 9 to say 'I can do that.'
'Dude, we're sick. He's pretty sick, but his muscles aren't as big as mine, so you know.'-CR Johnson
Posts: 4701
Karma: 8
great head owns pussy anyday. pussy is the same shit, in and out same feeling over and over in general. a girl with an educated tounge who can suck a mean cock is way better than pussy cuz she can really do some crazy shit and switch it up and hit diff good feelings and stuff, its a pretty simple theory phool. also mouths dont get loose ;)
'handin out flyers is jus fuckin ridiculous...when you give somebody a flyer its like...say man...why dont you go throw this out for me?'
-mitch hedburg
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
Mad trixx, you were talking to your dad about getting head? thats kinda twisted man.
SUck My AnTeAtEr
The more you want something, the less likely it will happen.
stealin and dealin screamin semen like a demon
My going rate is 25$
Posts: 3213
Karma: 10
hahaha i was thinkin the same thing... id shoot myself if my dad said that.. in fact id shoot him too.. and my mom.. and the girl that gave him head... and her whole family... now see what'd you've started?
first to figure out what lathgwanh means.
ns ogre crew
Posts: 2097
Karma: 11
there's no reason to get anything from an ugly chic, ever
Dave Likes Kittens.
*Viva La Vagina*
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
ahh mental image...madtrix ima kill you...
proud owner of 'team ramrod', the best NS hockey pool team ever.
Posts: 360
Karma: 10
hahaha 'mouths don't get loose'...thats good man
Just a thought
dodgeball and nuts = a few guys on the floor crying and many laughing
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
yeah i would never talk about that with my dad but anyways, i guess skipimp is back and thats cool, and also whoever said sex is just the same thing, just mix it up a little bit and do different positions and stuff and that will alter it some
Creator of the NS Cousin Exchange Program
me think u need realize that we dun give a fuck..' cams
Stealth Ninja of the Silent Army
Viva la Resistance!
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
YEah, back in the saddle,
it's time...almost for me to bust out the crazy stories which I call a life that i've been living the past few months. They're takin forever to write. But yesterday, I climbed 7 km down some caves in nelson unguided, through sketchy ass crawlspaces for 5 hours, trying to reach the center of the earth. That was right after the Maydaze rave just north of Nelson, where I played bongos on the rooftop patio we built on our van for 8 hours straight, watching hot girls throw fire while mushing out and watching whacked people run full tilt into the side of the van. Oh, and between those days, we hiked up Crystal Creek in nelson and slept in a giant cave, and had to listen to a fucking rat chew my shoes all night. I smoked it with a water bottle, then it fucked off...but my shoes were fucked.
SUck My AnTeAtEr
The more you want something, the less likely it will happen.
stealin and dealin screamin semen like a demon
My going rate is 25$
Posts: 1134
Karma: 13
hot chick... and the teeth dragging is what i like to refer to as the rake.
.:: P A T ::.
{2002-2003 MCM}
COC session E
Posts: 1828
Karma: 19
id go fat chick cause you canput her on a diet and bump so much uglies with her, she gets HOT@!
'moseley kicks ass, you guys are just jealous of his money and all the hot chicks he gets and his hair...beautiful hair, so soft, oohhhh'-alpentalik
skiing with sunglasses is extrememly gay! but skiing with sun glasses on and goggles on your head is straight.'- Alpentalik
I swear to follow the teachings of JMMT
'say everyone under 16 cannot particapate in the forum conversation
and they can have their own forum called peewees daycare.
where they can talk about nintendos and shitting the bed' -seward
Posts: 4701
Karma: 8
yeah but pussy is still just pussy. no difference inside when you in a dif position, i mean there is, but its slight.
'handin out flyers is jus fuckin ridiculous...when you give somebody a flyer its like...say man...why dont you go throw this out for me?'
-mitch hedburg
'is mick nick and mike wilson the same people?'
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