I know there have been many post threads, but fuck it I don't care...I had one the other night that was super sketchy. All this random shit was going on, but none of it really mattered. Then I find out that my girlfriends parents died, so I get all sad and shit. I go to the funeral and its all normal except that the corpse of the mom is laying in front naked, not clothes or coffin...and shes all rotting and shit. I get closer and its not my girlfriends mom, but my brothers mother in law. Everyone's crying and shit and I'm feeling all wierd. Then someone says that we have to shave her legs. So someone comes up and startes shaving this rotting corpse's legs...pretty fucking gross, eh? But then, the corpse starts throwing up all this sick disgusting goey shit, it's not alive or anytihng, just throwing up. I pretty much lost it there and woke up....am I OK?
''Chicks dig SARS''
Member of The Being In a Club Club