Alright guys, news on the homefront: I went to 4 shops today and tried on multiple boots - Salomon, Head, Nordica, Tecnica...quite a few. Most of the places didn't really have a 'bootfitter' per se, 3 of the 4 shops had someone that I talked to who at least had some idea of how a boot should fit. But the biggest surprise to me was the guy I met at REI, after being told by a fellow member from Anchorage that REI people didn't know shit about anything, but to give him credit, this guy is pretty new here, and seems to really know his shit...he's from the Seattle REI store, at which they have a full service bootshop, with trained fitters and such, so after trying on a total of 3 pairs of boots at REI and talking with him for quite a while ( We talked about proper fit, packing out, my pronation problem, and all sorts of things related to boots) I've all but decided for sure on the Tecnica Diablo Flame in a 28.5, it feels a bit tight, but after packing out, and having some footbeds done, it should be a nice fit. Additionally, he suggested a place that will do a footbed for me using a semi-weighted vacuum set-up, as opposed to a fully weighted heat-form approach, which he said, in his experience is better for people who need support under the arch, but aren't ready to have a full-on orthotic alignment and correction done. What do you guys think?