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Dude, I think I saw you carrying those things around...
There was so much free shit too, and pros everywhere. It was freaking awesome haha.
Basicly every booth had some fat giveaway too.. it was tight.
Now, about the whole jump, yeah it was pretty sketch, but what the hell do you expect for san francisco in november? I mean, you cant expect XGAMES type conditions, it just wont happen.
The run in was pretty bumpy, but it wasnt horrible.
The landing only was bad because if you caught an edge at all, you had to react very quickly or else you would get gnarly fucked up.
Kaya Turski did exactly that.. she landed a sweet switch 5, and then lost her control and got owned by about 2 2x4's or soemthing... It was all bad. Shes gonna be super bruised tomorrow...
There was one snowboard chick that didnt make it, but if you look at the footage, it almost looks like she wussed out at the end, or she just had a bad takeoff on the lip.. she almost jumped too soon, and therefore didnt even clear the whole thing.
I think they stated it at the beginning of the day though, that the heavier the person, the better they would do, because they would have the most momentum going into clearing the jump. The girls as you know were all pretty small, so it was hard to really get any decent air, although they seemed to do alright at least. Michelle Parker busted a sweet switch 5 that made the crowd stoked.
Either way, skiers kinda helped each other get huge boosts at the start and it seemed like they got decent air whenever they did that. The guys were able to bust out some sweet 10's and such. No 12's or 14's, but then again this was at sea level, and on pretty slow snow. Busting out clean 10's was pretty magnificent.
Either way, the whole thing was off the fucking chain, and seing old guys like Tony Hawk still killing the vert pipe and Good Ol' Johnny busting out Backflips and of course that gold medal winning 360 mute, was pretty sick.