For those that want to play along and go down this a bit, let me spit out a few thought-inducing statements.... You know how you cells regenerate, and after a full 7 year cycle, not one cell, not even memory cells or other brain cells are still there, but do 'we' change, does our mind depend on this physical activity, or can you remember how you felt vividly 10 years ago? Perhaps not for a lot of youngins, but I most definetely can.
Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that you just couldn't fathom that just it being a mere reverberation of events and thoughts that you had during that previous waking day or week as western psychology classifies dreams? That it felt like a totally unique and new experience, one that you could learn a lot of non-rational aspects of life from that you couldn't grasp when you were in 'reality'? And the dream seemed to last so long, but in reality you were only in it for maybe a minute. Were you "tapping in" to the collective 5 billion years of experience here on Earth, was is something so beautiful as a spiritual experience, or was it just some random stupid thing you did while you were trying to just sleep so you wouldnt be tired the next work day, as we are trained to believe by our social system?
As far as that Marx comment, I think that is very true for the vast majority of people, because they are trained to be like that, to think and have the consciousness of the society, but you CAN break out of it, and when you do and you look around at this plain of existance, for me, you see that the best way to think is NATURE-ally, to observe Nature, how her mind works and teaches you. Here are the thoughts I have had since I can remember, verballized by well-spoken individuals.....
"Your learning is useless to you till you have lost your text-books, burnt your lecture notes, and forgotten the minutiae which you learnt by heart for the examination" - Alfred North Whitehead
"My best teacher was my dog; the world is my classroom - Jane Goodall
and one of my favorite regarding life learning & societal restraints ad training: "More and more of today's children are having to interrupt their learning to go to school" - William Glasser
I once came to the thought of society, where we are, what we are told to believe and all that, and one question set my mind free when I was much younger than today, Where are we going? And with that question, ongoing flows of realizations started, about what was real, what is going on, why don't people speak of this, what inhibits others, are they the same as what inhibits me? Are we all the same? We are all one. And with that central realization I came into a state of awe at life, humanity and my ability to think that everyone has. We are all one, we have different experience in this intangible thing that is life, and we cannot know anything, and if we think we do, then we are fooling ourselves for some false sense of security. All we really have are questions and experience.
My view is that we are spiritual beings on a journey in this physical world, and the we have this awake state to learn here, and the dream state to go back to where we are all from and reflect on the events and everything else that is life. The mind is just for the awake state of dealing with situations, logically, should I run from this bear or make a weapon and kill am i going to approach this girl, with a good line, comment on her clothes, play it cool and just let her know youre interested? You could just go up and use intuition, but that gives you no safety before the moment, but does it allow you to flow?
Even if you don't agree or share any kind of similiar view, then I'm sure you can try it on if you are a curious & natural being and see the world in an amazing, beautiful, intricate, and infinite place, where vision stops being what it was, and you are grateful at every moment for this place. Then doors fly open in every direction... preach preach preach, buy no teach. I have nothing to go on besides words and stories here.
Anyone share experiences and thoughts like these or anything that comes to mind?