This is some shit you'd see on MTV's show about High School Stories, but listen up.
Okay so I go to this private school Xaverian, in Westwood, MA. 5 of my best friends live in Westwood, so we usually hang there. We always go to the Westwood football games on Friday's (my school doesn't have lights on the football field, so we play on Saturday). So in their student section, they made a chant about how our school is gay. It lasted a couple minutes, and I could care less.
So some kid from Westwood makes a Facebook group about how Xaverian kids (us) should leave the Westwood student section. I joined it, just to say how some kid who went to my school, and now goes to Westwood is gay. I made 3 posts. About 2 weeks later, shit got way out of control. This kid from out school joined and was saying how he was gunna fucking rape everyone at Westwood High. They responded by talking more shit, and everything just escalated.
So yesturday, Westwood High School had an early dismissal. So while we had school, a car full of kids from Westwood came to our parking lot, and keyed 3 kids cars (1 of them was the kid saying he was gunna kill everyone). And another one of the cars was a legit 3 day old BMW.
So today, everyone that posted in the group (10 of us) got called down to the Dean's Office. He told us that we might get expelled, because we "represent" the school, and even though they made the group, and they keyed our cars, we are still going to get expelled. So much fucking bullshit.
I'm so fucking pissed.