Replying to Am I....retarded?
what are you gonna dream about
i know what im dreaming about
the creepiest thing that happened to me this morning
I was having this dream that i was a rescuer helicpoter guy, and i was looking down at this guy and he was on the deck of soome massive boat and everyone else was being evacuated because it was sinking...
anyway this dude is just chilling and he wont budge, and im like SCREAMING at him to get off the boat he's gonna get sucked under....then i woke up because i hear molson (doggy) barking outside my window, i go and open blinds and see that he is staring up at my window barking and when i open it he's all OMG cocks his head to the side like wtf is going on
and i had a hoarse throat so i think i was screaming in my sleep
yea i should ask ns and see what the md's have to say about my dream
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