So heres the idea (that I have seen elsewhere):
I have a lot of stuff I don't need, but can't really sale (for more than $5). So I want to give it away (that includes shipping... it's completely free). The first people to pm claiming dibs on the items get them. Simple.
The stipulation is after claiming dibs on the item you either:
1. post a new item that you want to give away, or
2. give a $5 donation to NS
I think this could work if people want it to, so please don't post to whine about something or yell at someone else. If you aren't going to ship something, don't offer it. This could be sweet (or not). So, first come first serve and it's all free.
I've got 3 things up for grabs:
1. Sessions jacket... well used, but will still keep someone warm.

2. Blue Quiksilver knitted beanie.
3. Two D-shaped locking OP 'biners