I don't know how everyone feels about this, but in my opinion ski movies as of late have included way too many urban shots/setups.
Originally it was sick; when someone cleaned a super gnarly urban rail everyone went off their rocker. But now, it's hard to get that feeling from an urban setup.
There is too many in today’s movies. You can only get horny off the same thing so many times.
Not to mention, it is probably ALOT cheaper/easier to film and urban setup. No lift tickets, no backcountry danger, no on-hill setup, just drive and drop. If you get busted, move on, nothing really lost.
What I really enjoy are the crazy park setups that rage films always grabs. Plehouse seems to try a good balance of park backcountry and urban. But when a skier bases his/her whole segment on Urban, I most definitely skip it. I think, is this really skiing? There is no snow! It starts to seem ridiculous once these things cross my mind.
I just read an interview with Michelle Parker. She says her next few segments can only be urban setups or backcountry shit, this was so that she can be on the same level as the guys.
I say, differentiate yourself. Do something crazy and completely different. Stop the URBAN SPRAWL!