Ski Roundtop and will be hosting the 3rd annual Fall Rail Jam at Ski Roundtop this Saturday. In addition, we will be having a QUICK! premiere on Sunday. Here are the raw details:
Saturday October 21, 2006
What: Huge Rail Jam
Where: Ski Roundtop, PA (Lewisberry)
When: Saturday October 21, 2006
Event: 11-4PM
Registration: 9-11A
Cost: $5 to ride
Sunday October 22, 2006
What: QUICK! Premiere
Where: Ski Roundtop, PA (Lewisberry)
When: Sunday October 22, 2006
Time: 12 Noon
Cost: FREE!!
The setup for the jam is going to depend on how much snow we can get. We are working with a bunch of local ice rinks and hope to be able to get a ton of snow. It's looking like we will be able to get 3+ features setup for the jam. Possibily even more (up to 4 or 5) if we get enough snow. Check or as it gets closer to find out the latest updates. The jam is going to be different this year in that we aren't going to judge it or have a defined winner. Most of the riders just come out to have fun and session anyways. Also, by doing it this way we are able to extend the time limit to 5 hours!! And the cost dropped to a mere $5. We feel that this will be better for the riders given the event.
On Sunday we'll have the QUICK! premiere. I'll have a bunch of schwag to give out including stuff from Liberty Skis, ENOM headwear (hopefully) and a few QUICK! dvds. I'll also have plenty of QUICK! dvds for sale. Don't miss this chance to see a ski movie premiere in our area.
Here is a picture of the current rails we have built for use at the jam. There are a few more that aren't pictured here:
We hope that you guys will all come out for both events. I can assure that it'll be an amazing weekend at Ski Roundtop.