Ok,so me and my friend crash at some randoms house last night, not enough money left for a taxi home.
Then this morning we got up at about 7 to leave, and walk 8km or so home. All the way hitching, must have been a thousand cars which pass us, it's boiling, we're plainly suffering.
We didn't look gangster, dressed ok, didn't smell like alcohol etc.
Fucking pick up hitchhikers.
People who don't, are gay. I hate how if you see a nice shiny new car, you know you shouldn't even bother trying to get picked up. It's what's wrong with the world.
Where you guys are is it easy to get rides?
I know that that was just in town, out near my house and at the skifield you get rides easy, but still. Nelson has NO killings, abductions etc, so I don't see why people wont give you rides.