well my stay in new jersey didnt last very long, about a month and a half. and i will tell you why!
well me, being the retarted drug addict that i am, was (checking into the ever so wonderful rehab on monday) needed to get my fix because going through all those withdrawls was just to much fucking fun, so i decided to use again after 2 weeks clean (most time in like 2 years) well anyway, i try to drive to a kinda shady area in somerville..... nope not bad enough.
drive to elizabeth.... nah not shady enough.
so me, being from salt lake city utah, get the great idea to go to NEWARK NEW JERSEY for some of that D, well i go meet my nig that i meet, everythings cool, well im hooked again, so i make my daily trip to newark without much incident, well on wednesday night, my new found nig wasnt answering (he went to jail) so im on irvine turner and west alpine, looking for his crew of people to hook me up since they new me.
well this nig is like ya man, i can get 5 dollar bags.... im like hell ya brah, get me 4, so hes asking around its all cool (its the middle of the day) so he kinda acts like theres none right there and were gonna have to drive to a spot *bad bad bad bad bad im stupid never let the nigs get in your car!!!!!* so anyway i look over, and theres a gun in his hand, to behonest it looked fake, then he motioned it towards my head, and my stupid natural reaction was the block it, THAT REALLY PISSES HIM OFF, so instead of kinda scaring me cuz i kinda know about guns, it turns into a really bad situation, as he cocks back the hammer, and holds the gun to my cheek, and then proceeds to hit my teeth with the dark gun barrel gray gun. he takes my 23 dollars and thinks i have a lot more, when i say " FUCK MAN IM SORRY, I HAVE NOTHING FOR YOU MAN, PLEASE MAN THATS ALL I FUCKING HAVE, FOR REAL MAN IM SERIOUS" he pistol whips me and about breaks my nose, he then tells me to step out of my car ( i live 40 minutes away, and dont know anyone in NJ......OH FUCK DONT DO THIS TO ME.) so i get out, and walk up the street, i tell some nigs whats going on and there really understanding, but thats a madd hot drug zone so they tell me to promptly leave asap. so i do, walk to the gas station
call 911
god im tired of typing, but this is important for poeople to know.
so i call the one timers, and hes being a douche to me, he said my story is bullshit and that i was there trying to cop, he told me that i was going to jail tonight for "wandering in a narcotics zone" (OH MY GOD THOSE BIG BLACK BOYS ARE GONNA LOVE ME IN THERE) well he takes me to the dectectives, and they told me if i change my story i wouldnt go to jail and that insurance will still cover ther vehicle, and that it would be safe for a kid like me to go to jail in newark.
but moral is. im a good kid people, but look what kinda shit i could have gotten myself into, or even slomped over my steering wheel with a gun shot wound to the head.
dont glamourize the hood,
theres nothing cool about that shit.