Replying to We need a "welsome to NS" sticky
basically woudl eliminate alot of retarded threads. woudl involve encouragement of love towards all NS members, but would also stress the (yes I knwo this is realyl radical) importance of not being a fucktard
#1-before posting ANYTHING, especially somethign so generic and fucktardish as "who is ur fAV0rit skeeer?" or "what is the best mountain" or "where shoudl i go out west" or "what skis hsould i buy" or "what R th3 l337 moviEz this year?" etc etc.
-would have a link to hugeairdog's music thread
there is more to be added. suggest away. basicalyl i'm sick of the same retardd threads every damn week, with teh ssame shitty arguements. maybe i need to be in some cult forum or something. maybe i need to do less work and get eh fuck off NS. most liekly i think i need to ski. is this just me?
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