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George Bush's Resume-who voted for this dult?
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
George W. Bush Resume
Past work experience:
a.. Ran for congress and lost.
b.. Produced a Hollywood slasher B movie.
c.. Bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil
in Texas, company
went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.
d.. Bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a
sweetheart deal that
took land using tax-payer money. Biggest move: Traded
Sammy Sosa to the
Chicago Cubs.
e.. With fathers help (and his name) was elected
Governor of Texas.
Accomplishments: Changed pollution laws for power and
oil companies and
made Texas the most polluted state in the Union.
Replaced Los Angeles
with Houston as the most smog ridden city in America.
Cut taxes and
bankrupted the Texas government to the tune of
billions in borrowed
money. Set record for most executions by any Governor
in American
f.. Became president after losing the popular vote by
over 500,000
votes, with the hel
p of my fathers appointments to the
Supreme Court.
Accomplishments as president:
a.. Attacked and took over two countries.
b.. Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.
c.. Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in
d.. Set economic record for most private bankruptcies
filed in any 12
month period.
e.. Set all-time record for biggest drop in the
history of the stock
f.. First president in decades to execute a federal
g.. First president in US history to enter office with
a criminal
h.. First year in office set the all-time record for
most days on
vacation by any president in US history.
i.. After taking the entire month of August off for
vacation, presided
over the worst security failure in US history.
j.. Set the record for most campaign fund-raising
trips than any other
president in US history.
k.. In my first two years in o
ffice over 2 million
Americans lost their
l.. Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work
Americans than any
president in US history.
m.. Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a
12 month period.
n.. Appointed more convicted criminals to
administration positions than
any president in US history.
o.. Set the record for the least amount of press
conferences than any
president since the advent of television.
p.. Signed more laws and executive orders amending the
Constitution than
any president in US history.
q.. Presided over the biggest energy crises in US
history and refused to
intervene when corruption was revealed.
r.. Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US
history and refused
to use the national reserves as past presidents have.
s.. Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans.
t.. Set the all-time record for most people worldwide
to simultaneously
take to the st
reets to protest me (15 million people),
shattering the
record for protest against any person in the history
of mankind.
u.. Dissolved more international treaties than any
president in US
v.. My presidency is the most secretive and
un-accountable of any in US
w.. Members of my cabinet are the richest of any
administration in US
history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Con
Rice has an Exxon
oil tanker named after her).
x.. First president in US history to have all 50
states of the Union
simultaneously go bankrupt.
y.. Presided over the biggest corporate stock market
fraud of any market
in any country in the history of the world.
z.. First president in US history to order a US attack
and military
occupation of a sovereign nation.
aa.. Created the largest government department
bureaucracy in the
history of the United States.
ab.. Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget
increases, more than any president in US history.
ac.. First president in US history to have the United
Nations remove the
US from the human rights commission.
ad.. First president in US history to have the United
Nations remove the
US from the elections monitoring board.
ae.. Removed more checks and balances, and have the
least amount of
congressional oversight than any
administration in US
af.. Rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.
ag.. Withdrew from the World Court of Law.
ah.. Refused to allow inspectors access to US
prisoners of war and by
default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.
ai.. First president in US history to refuse United
Nations election
inspectors (during the 2002 US elections).
aj.. All-time US (and world) record holder for most
corporate campaign
ak.. My biggest life-time campaign contributor
presided over one of the
largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history
(Kenneth Lay,
former CEO of Enron Corporation).
al.. Spent more money on polls and focus groups than
any president in US
am.. First president in US history to unilaterally
attack a sovereign
nation against the will of the United Nations and the
world community.
an.. First president to run and hide when the US ca
under attack (and
then lied saying the enemy had the code to Air Force
ao.. First US president to establish a secret shadow
ap.. Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after
911, and in less
than a year made the US the most resented country in
the world (possibly
the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world
aq.. With a policy of 'dis-engagement' created the
most hostile
Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years.
ar.. First US president in history to have a majority
of the people of
Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat
to world peace and
as.. First US president in history to have the people
of South Korea
more threatened by the US than their immediate
neighbor, North Korea.
at.. Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to
be awarded
government contracts.
au.. Set all-time record for number of administration
violated US law by not selling huge investments in
corporations bidding
for government contracts.
av.. Failed to fulfill my pledge to get Osama Bin
Laden 'dead or alive'.
aw.. Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to
murder the
leaders of our country at the United States Capital
building. After 18
months I have no leads and zero suspects.
ax.. In the 18 months following the 911 attacks I have
prevented any public investigation into the biggest
security failure in
the history of the United States.
ay.. Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for
Americans than any
other president in US history.
az.. In a little over two years created the most
divided country in
decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever
been since the civil
ba.. Entered office with the strongest economy in US
history and in less
than two years turned every single economic category
Records and References:
a.. At least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine
(Texas driving
record has been erased and is not available).
b.. AWOL from National Guard and Deserted the military
during a time of
c.. Refuse to take drug test or even answer any
questions about drug
d.. All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have
been spirited
away to my fathers library, sealed in secrecy and
un-available for
public view.
e.. All records of any SEC investigations into my
insider trading or
bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and
un-available for public
f.. All minutes of meetings for any public corporation
I served on the
board are sealed in secrecy and un-available for
public view.
g.. Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP)
attended regarding
public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and
un-available for public
. For personal references please speak to my daddy
or uncle James
Baker (They can be reached at their offices of the
Carlyle Group for
Posts: 6384
Karma: 953
I am not even going to respond because a) you didn't get any of those ideas yourself, you just cut and pasted off a website (evident by some of the points beginning with 'I' meaning someone wrote a satirical little essay pretending to be bush) and 2) you are the biggest liberal fairy ever, so making a point would be moot considering you wouldn't even see the other side of the argument.
Lastly, half of your points don't even come close to holding water, and others are just plain false. Snag yourself some nuts and look at the facts for real before you cut and paste.
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
why couldnt you have just said he is a dumbass?
'ive been shavin since i was in 5th grade, yea the girls made fun of me then, but now they grovel at my feet just to pet me' - Alex aka Ds91260
Little girls are a farmers dream..... Flat land and no bush.'
Posts: 4382
Karma: 12
alot of that shit doesn't really have anything to do with him being pres you have to remember that the president doesn't have that much power they can't make a law and just pass it. most people just want some one to point a finger at then taking responsiblity for their actions. who cares about his past most of our past pres were woman abusers and drug aditcs. hes doing a better job then you or i could so just stop the bitching and acept what we have.
ps who here has never commited a crime? wait no one
Posts: 11
Karma: 10
i thought dumb and dumberer was a movie...anywho, hey empire...just for fun, bark out your definition of politics...(ps, don't cut and paste webster's...hit us with your gut thoughts)
Posts: 2354
Karma: 12
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
Well aren't you johny america? This message was sent to me by a friend that wouldn't send me a bunch of crap. It kills me that were spending 20
Billion dollars to fix Iraq when we have some serious problems in our own country.
I think he's fuckin this country up. I can see the effects right before my eyes.
Posts: 407
Karma: 9
yea true stuff - and everyone should go to empire freerdie camp - or die trying
'science proves that women are degraded when they are able to do things like hold money, or vote, or leave the house or call for help.'
-Mr. Pickering
Posts: 1264
Karma: 552
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics?
*29 have been accused of spousal abuse
*7 have been arrested for fraud
*19 have been accused of writing bad checks
*117 have directly/indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
*3 have done time for assault
*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
*8 have been arrested for shoplifting
*21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
*84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Do you know which organization we're talking about?
It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same
group of idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year
designed to keep the rest of us in line.
there's a reason the country is going to shit. people that care about it either get elected and a few years later won't run for office again because it's so corrupt, or don't get elected at all, instead, a career politician gets elected and doesn't represent the people, just his interests.
Just Huck It.
Posts: 4718
Karma: 11
i thought the beginnning was kinda funny, then i stopped reading cause it was to long and i didn't care anymore
Seize the carp
Posts: 8762
Karma: 12
you wanted proof that george was a bad pres, here ya go.
'what can we do to stop this war?'
'Leagalize PORN'
'Its allready legal'
'Not the kind i like'
Proud member of the official NS Ogre team, and NS communist party
Posts: 6631
Karma: 41
so much of that is either false or has nothing to do with him being president.
Western Canadian Separartist
Posts: 4348
Karma: 83
i don't see the point we all knwo he is a dumbass already.
Friend:oww shit my head!
me: what did you do?
friend: i fell down the stairs
Me: and you hit your head?
friend:No, my wrist
Vancouver - good weed, hockey, and the Blunt Brother
Canada, better than the us
-an ashamed american
Posts: 2943
Karma: 1,472
the points in that thing are mostly irrelevant and i doubt you researched anything about that since you copy and pasted it, but i do agree that bush is an idiot and isnt running the country well or handling foriegn policy etc well.
-Only Through Chaos Will We Ever See Change
-Lifes not a bitch, life is a beuatiful woman
Posts: 49
Karma: 10
GOD BLESS BUSH> He is human. Okay Clinton did something that is worse than all of those. HE IS A DRAFT DOGGER.
kLAKAMUS hm hm
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
It would be cool to talk about issues like this with out insulting each other. I cant say that every thing on that list is true, and I'm not going to waste my time investigating, but it seems people have different opinions and they should be heard, but how bout not talking mad shit.
Posts: 9274
Karma: 10,656
What's a 'draft dogger?' That's one I've never heard of.
Anyway empire, all I have to say is AMEN, my man, AMEN.
*NSFD Station Chief*
Posts: 9274
Karma: 10,656
What's a 'draft dogger?' That's one I've never heard of.
Anyway empire, all I have to say is AMEN, my man, AMEN.
*NSFD Station Chief*
Posts: 4382
Karma: 12
draft dodgers are people who skip the country to excape the draft it happen alot durring vietnom(sp) war
Posts: 366
Karma: 52
Hasn't anybody realized that whatever you think about Bush is your own opinion and that it's incredibly pointless to argue over opinions?
Skiing is not for the simple minded, that's why they invented the snowboard.
Posts: 640
Karma: 11
i have heard about some of those things in the book Stupid White Men. I'm sure not all of that is true but I definetely don't like Bush as President. He's a big hypocrit who's been spoiled and pampered all his life. I'm almost positive he won't be reelected in 2004.
'I'm left AND right handed; I'm magical' alpentalik talking about his magicalness
Posts: 6680
Karma: 15
hey uhh empire and adrenaline, can you tell me your sources??? or is that all just liberal 'propaganda' as you call it.
'Im talking about a little place i like to call, aspen'
'I dunno lloyd, the french are assholes'
Posts: 2354
Karma: 12
clinton is a draft dodger?? while bush was proudly serving his country in nam? oh no wait his dad pulled every string possible to get him into the texas national guard, where he was AWOL for much of the latter half of his term. A true American hero
Posts: 2074
Karma: 15
Yo, empire dude, i tried to tell people how much of a fuck up he is too, i preached they are ALL TOOO BRAINWASHE DDUDE, but meh i get sooo much shit for being concerened that usa and the rest of the world is going down the shit hole with idiots liek him in power, GOOD SHIT bro, keep it up!
join the underground network!
Posts: 8762
Karma: 12
Um, actually almost everything there is accurate. And fuck, he's responsible for countless bankruptcies, he doesnt know what the word economy means.
'what can we do to stop this war?'
'Leagalize PORN'
'Its allready legal'
'Not the kind i like'
Proud member of the official NS Ogre team, and NS communist party
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
Hey skiinsted, My friend sent me that email. He is definately more in the know than I am. He's all smart, has gone some fancy schools like, dartmouth, yale, brown and studied politics. So when he sends me an email, I just trust it's not a bunch of random website pastes. I trust my friends, ya know? You seem more worried about the the sources than what's really going on. I think that's a big problem, people just say ' be happy with what you got', No thanks, if something don't seem right, I'm not going to just sit there and pretend I'm happy. The goverment has gotten so corupt. It's time to open our eyes and do something about it. We are the newschool. I may be just a dumb farmboy from Wyoming, but man, how can we just sit here and put up with all this political bullshit! We know what's right and wrong. blah blah blah, blabby blah.
Life's too short to not live it, so f@ckin get it!
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
it may all be true but it was written to sound anti bush. You could probably write a list just as long about good things hes done if you tried.
My girlfriend told me to shove my skis up my ass
Posts: 2760
Karma: 18
hey- little known fact for all of you: it takes 4-8yrs to change the economy- meaning that it was clinton screwing both monica and us, not bush
also- even if florida had gone to gore, bush still woulda won
Skateboarding isnt harder then rollerblading, it just has a slower learning curve because everytime you fall, you have to chase your skateboard to the other side of the skatepark
Posts: 8762
Karma: 12
Gore WON the election by 500,000 fucking votes!!! Why the fuck is he not the pres? The electoral system. What the fuck!!!
'what can we do to stop this war?'
'Leagalize PORN'
'Its allready legal'
'Not the kind i like'
Proud member of the official NS Ogre team, and NS communist party
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
Does canada have as much political crazieness as the US? Seems like I never here much about Canada. When ever I go there, I have mucho fun. Does everybody just get high and chill up north?
I wish I wasn't banned from Canada. ( two more years.)
Posts: 4348
Karma: 83
well i don't know about the rest of you but i REALLY like aged cheeder cheese. PS: i burn't my mouth eat pizza that was too hot.
Friend:oww shit my head!
me: what did you do?
friend: i fell down the stairs
Me: and you hit your head?
friend:No, my wrist
Vancouver - good weed, hockey, and the Blunt Brother
Canada, better than the us
-an ashamed american
Posts: 2354
Karma: 12
hey aggro sk8, how exactly do you figure that if Gore had won Florida, Bush still would have won in 2000? Bush won in the electoral college 271-266. With Florida's 25 vote swing, Gore wins 291-246.
And who exactly told you it takes 4-8 years for a change in impact the economy?? There are hundreds of ways the federal government and treasury could completely change the economy tomorrow if they wanted. Ever heard of interest rates?
Posts: 3945
Karma: 26
if gore had won his OWN FUCKING STATE, tennessee, he would have won with or without flordia. says something about a man not even his neighbors would vote for, eh? but i voted for bush cause will ferrell impersonated him funnier then the guy who did Gore, i am at a temporary loss for his name, maybe darryl hanna??
founding member of the NS Real Ultimate Ninja Crew!!
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