Replying to Individuality
No this is not a "rant" but I must say that it is something that people should reespect just a tad bit more. Theres people like blake nyman and jordan selden and many more people with amazing style but there not huge fans of this whole baggy clothing thing, so thats there style. For me I like baggy style and "gangster steeze" (haha) and thats because its what fits the way I ski. I am constantly seeing threads and people making fun of someone acting (quote on quote) gangster, but in my eyes I see them or there style as the way they express themselves while doing what they love. Whether they are acting thug or wearing chick pants its all good and thats how they like to stand out to the world. Anywho I just fealt the need to let all that free so thanks for reading if you did so.
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