If you think about it hard engouh, you will think that the xbox 360 is better. You'll think this because they both have the same graphic capabilities but the xbox 360 has better accessories, online capabilities, games, and is cheaper(By both the price of the console and Games). The Games are going to cost you more on the playstation 3 because of the blu-ray format. Of what I have read, the playstation 3 only has two advantages over the xbox 360 that make it more expensive which are the graphics and the blu-ray player. If you read the article on ign about assassin's creed, the developers said that they are virtually identical on both the xbox 360 and the ps3. That means that the xbox 360 has just as much graphic capabilities as the ps3. So that kills the whole, ps3 has better graphics than the xbox 360, idea. The other advantage that people say the ps3 has is that it supports blu-ray. First of all, that will be useless when it comes to gaming. I am sure that there will be no games that will use more space than the the dual layer discs that xbox 360 uses which holds about 9 gigs. The Game Morrowwind Oblivion only uses 6 gigs of space. This games only uses 2/3s of the space on the disc but still holds over 100 hours of gameplay and has large and beautiful landscapes in which the graphics are still very good. The only other reason that you would want to by it for the blu-ray is for the movies. First of all, hd-dvd is going to win the battle over the next main movie medium. So having a blu-ray player isn't going to be much use if there aren't many movies for it. I don't blindly say that hd-dvd is going to win, I actually have my reasons for this. If you look back to when the video cassette first came out, you'll find out that there was another medium that also came out but lost the battle and barely anyone has ever heard about it. Sure the other one was smaller, more advance, and held just as much as a cassette, but it was more expensive. That is how the blu-ray is compared to hd-dvd. The blu-ray picture quality is about the same as the hd-dvd picture quality, but its more expensive. A blu-ray player at Best Buy costs about 1,000 dollars, but an HD-DVD player costs only 500 dollars, which is half the price. So I don't think that the blu-ray will be much use to the owner if only a few selection of movies are available for it. And the new HD-DVD add on the the xbox 360 is coming out for 200 dollars. If you add that to the price of the console it equals roughly around $600 which is the same price as a playstation 3. But if you realize that, doesn't it seem like the officials at microsoft thought that up and figured out that they can keep their console cheap for the people who just want to play games but still be able to satisfy those who want Hi-Def movies playing on their console. Sony wasn't smart enough to figure that out so they are getting many complaints about the price of the ps3. Sure it is a very reasonable price, but that doesn't mean that it will satisfy those who don't care for the Hi-Def movies. They will just think that it was a waste of there money. So the only reason I can think of for a person to buy the ps3, is because they are stubborn headed, rich, or maybe they have one game that is coming out only for the ps3 that they just have to have. So think about it ps3 fans or anyone who is still debating on debating on which one to get.