I was at a bar in Whistler on Monday night, minding my own business, along with my little brother, a friend of his, her friend, and one of mine. We were just quietly sitting there, talking a little skiing shit, drinking a beer or two, a shot of jag maybe, and just generally trying to have a good time.
Talking quickly became impossible when a crew of 20-some-odd aussies got there. How do I know they were australian? Easy: they were drunk, annoying, rude, and loud as fuck within 15 minutes of getting there. How drunk and loud? We were over 10 feet away and had to YELL AT EACH OTHER in order to carry on a fucking conversation. They kept on creeping by us to get through to a patio where'd they smoke cheap, crappy, awful smelling cigarettes, bumped into us on the way in/out, were completely disrespectful, and then acted like douchebags every time any girl walked by. AND they treated their poor waitress like shit.
Australians are Whistler's vermin: they live under the stairs, in crawlspaces, they come in packs, seem to breed just like rats, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't get rid of them.
Whistler needs a fucking Aussie exterminator...Someone call Canada Customs and Immigration.