So the shop im working at is about to start a sale, 50% off brand new, 05/06 model skis.
what they have a good selection of are dynastar nothing but troubles,
invaders, prophets, some pes, volant machetes, and line shadows. I'll
be honest with you, I'm looking to make a little money off of this.
here is the list of prices:
Line invaders- original- $300 sale- $150 I'd sell for- $200 plus shipping
Line Prophet 80s- same info as invaders
Dynastar Nothin but troubles- same info as invaders
K2 Public enemy- original- $400 sale-$200 I'd sell for- $250 plus shipping
04/05 Dynastar Trouble makers- original- $325 sale- $160 I'd sell for-$200 plus shipping
Line Shadows- original-$200 sale-$100 I'd sell for- $150 plus shipping
Volant Machetes- Original- $40 sale-$20 I'd sell for- $40 plus shipping
so there are definitely some good deals in there. there are also a
couple pairs of volkl dogens and gotamas if there is interest, im not
sure on the prices though, i cant remeber. but if anyone wants
anything, let me know the size and I'll see if we have it. Hopefully
this sale will help both me and you out.
everything else in the store will be %50 off so if you want me to check
on prices or sizes for coats, boots, binders, whatever, give me a shout
and we can work a deal. I know off the top of my ehad that there are
some 1080's from last year going for $150 at this thing so hit me up if
you are interested.
(sorry about the post whore, i decided i wanted to change the title after i made the last thread)