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I feel roughly the same way you do Rowen. Not about everything, but about most. I'm a pretty mild agnostic, so I'm not to one to believe something. I'm not saying there isn't a god/being/power though, but there hasn't been an explanation that from my experiences in life, seem plausable or acceptable.
It is pretty apparent, that anywhere in the world, from pre-paleolithic peoples, to the present, people have been looking for answers they simply do not know. And so we see that in anybody over time and the world. They create what they believe to be the answer to these mysteries. The outcomes differ maybe because of climate, social structure, food, etc. etc. Regardless of the substantial differences in the specific beliefs, there generally seems to be similar patterns; origin and end, right and wrong, afterlife, etc. Realistically, if you were to be born into a culture (or family nowadays) that had a particular belief, you would be taught this as well, and taught to accept it as fact. That aspect alone deters me away from any religion.
What really pushes me away is that most religions try to answer, in my opinion, too much. There are some things we may simply never know. And quite frankly, to me, worrying about the ultimate origin of things, or anything of similar magnitude, doesn't quite concern me. There are other issues that are unknown in my life that are much more realevant and require more attention, so I do not seek answers such as origin. What boggles my mind is when most people address origin (this goes out to most Christians here), is that how can it be so hard to believe that the universe just "happened" so to speak, but it is so easy to accept that God has been basically infinate in existance? That to me would be even harder to understand, but then again, that is an instance where I think it is trying to answer to much.
When you really get down to it, the origin of things just seems, well, rediculous (once again, going after Christianity here). To me, six days to create everything then a rest day? And some bishop of the 17th century claiming the origin was in the 4th millenium BC? That may have acceptable in a time when that seemed plausable, but in the present day, we keep learning more. However, I am not one to simply say that since I don't believe in God, tha I must believe in the big bang. We still have to learn more. We may never know, and so be it. To me, answered (and potentially a flawed answer) doesn't mean better than no answer at all. Also, there generally seems to many leeways, such as changing meanings over time, or changing aspects to be more accomodating.
And morals. I think Rowen put it nicely. We don't know where inherent morals come from. I look at it this way, if there is somebody who commits a crime like a murder, we see it as a threat to others, so we try to neutralize that threat, or simply destroy it. In more pirimitive times, it would make sense that it would probably be rather similar, not to mention there weren't that many people.
But, religion isn't all that bad at times. It does help people that sometimes need something. I'm not talking about going to poor countries and "helping"(which is just a lazy way of getting converts in my opinion), but just people that might need the support. Then again, I don't need support when times get tough and stuff. I know I have to deal with it one way or another, so make the best of it. So that has never been an attraction of mine (once again, mostly regarding Christianity). The only thing that really gets me is how people bring children into it, sometimes rather forefully. Of course a 3 year (or older) old mind will conform to any damn thing you teach it. So most people that are brought into it from a young age accept it. To question it, or to just really think about it, really isn't questioning it, becuase it has become so embedded as fact. Brainwashing? eh, not really. Seems more like brainmolding? I don't know.
and to the guy about, why did you use that as a source? Could that be a tad biased? Considering it is a branch of